Video Asylum

RE: Repharse my post.

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I can't directly help, but very often the people involved in this sort of thing have their own DVDs to sell. Obviously the "broadcaster" owns whatever they did, in their format. Which will not be the whole thing, and the originating people often have more...but maybe not, at least not recorded. Or there's more detail in a (chapter of a) book.

The fact is not everything on TV is available to buy. If it is though, you'll have to buy a whole season of a show to get the segment you want...probably not a problem for you. Your best bet at this point is to go to an appropriate forum where other interested people are most likely to have seen/remember this show, and to at least get the title. I mean, unless you're sure, this show could be ages old, and is often re-run (better, more likely remembered).

And try googling with all the details you can remember about the events. It will surely come up somehow that the story was on need a title.

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