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Blu Ray Recorder update?

Posted by billeames on December 15, 2008 at 16:47:35:

I have not found any on internet at this point (USA). I wonder if they will come out? (I am thinking the industry will permit recording TV shows in HiDef?) I simply want to record HD programming off HiDef TV, mostly time shift, so I can watch a HD TV show later. There was a post/thread regarding blu ray recording on May 20, but that was a while back. I have a LCD HDTV on order, but still have the old fashioned VCR ($60 at COSTCO back in 2002).

This is my first AA Video post, I am mostly on the Digital and HiRez portions.

Video is not a passion with me like audio is, but I would like to watch Hi-Def video from recordings, especially after Feb 17, 2009. Maybe way aftger from the look of things, as I don't see any blu ray recorders in USA yet.

But I want something to replace my VCR. I could get a DVD recorder temporarily, then later when prices drop, a blu ray player/recorder.

