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Recommendations on first Blu-Ray disc.

Posted by Steve Jones on September 8, 2009 at 16:55:02:

Went to Video Only in Portland Oregon to look over the big screen plasmas over the Labor Day weekend sales event and came out with a lot less money in my pocket.

Scored a deal on a 58" Panasonic V10 1080P plasma (TC P58V10) for $1800 cash. Trouble is they were sold out and I'll have to wait a week for pickup. Also had a Panasonic BD 60K Blu-Ray added for $100.

I know, I know .... its no Kuro, but it has a very very impressive picture none the less.

Currently I have a 3+ year old 42" Panasonic 720P plasma that is hooked up to a Mac Mini as DVD source. It is far from SOTA.

So, when I do finally receive the HDTV and get it set up with the Blu-Ray player via HDMI, what disc would you recommend to really knock my socks off with this, my virgin experience with video High Def?