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You have questions. Maybe, you'll find an answer.

Moniker or Username (Required)

This is the name that inmates see when you participate at the Asylum.

You don't have to use your real name. You must be consistent and use only one name. You can not post under other's names. One of the values that drove the founding of this forum is consistency. Generally speaking, people like to know who is giving advice. Using the same name over time builds credibility and allows people to better evaluate the relative merits of each poster's contributions relative to system context, preferences, biases, etc.

If you register your Moniker at the Asylum, then others will not be able to use this name. However, you must check the Protect Moniker option in your profile to force the system to require you to login to post using this Moniker. Otherwise, others will be able to se this Moniker but the username will be displayed in Gray text to denote that the user could be an impostor.

Password (Optional)

Entering a Password is optional and only required if you have registered your Moniker. Most venues do not require registration. You will get an error message if registion is required to post or if you have posted using someone else's registered Moniker.

If you have eaten an Asylum Cookie by checking off the 'Remember my Moniker & Password' box, then your Moniker will be displayed automatically and you do not need to enter your Password. If you are logged in, then your Moniker will be shown at the top of the page as well. In both these instances, entering a Password is then optional.

E-Mail (Optional)

You do not need to enter your E-Mail address to post. Generally you do not want to enter this information. If you have registered and post with your Password, then the system will automatically link you name to our Asylum Mailer which allows you to set your preference for receiving E-Mail from other Inmates. It also protects your E-Mail Address from spammers.

However, if you do wish to receive private E-Mails or you haven't registered, then entering your E-Mail Address will allow others to contact you as well as allowing you to receive E-Mails when Inmates respond to your post.

Subject (Required)

The Subject is the information that is displayed to link to your post. You should be succinct and specific. A good description of the post will encourage more Inmates to read and respond to your post.

Often a Subject is used to simply post a short comment about the previous post. If you use the Subject for this purpose and do not enter anything in the Message area, you should always end your Subject with (nt), no text, or (mt), empty, to denote that there is no massage attached.

Message (Required)

Do I really need to explain this. Just type your message. It's what everyone reads and responds to.

Optional Link URL (Optional)

The Optional Link URL field allows you to post a link to another web site. You could just enter into your message, but then people have to cut and paste the text which irritates the Inmates. If you enter a URL, then enter the all of it including the http part.

For example, a link to Audio Asylum would be:

Optional Link Title (Optional)

The Link Title is optional, however, it does help to explain what you're entered in the Link area. If you don't enter this information, then the link will just use your Link URL as the title.

For example, a title for Audio Asylum would be:

Pretty tough, isn't it?

Optional Image URL (Optional)

If you want to link to a picture on another web site, then you would enter that URL in the Optional Image URL. The picture must be somewhere on the internet! You can't link to a picture on your local computer. If the URL doesn't end with .gif or .jpg, it isn't an image and it won't be displayed. In fact, you'll get a funny box with a red X and other Inmates might think you're not terribly swift, so use the Preview function to make sure that your link is correct.

Here's an expample of an Image URL:

Upload Image (Optional)

If the image you wish to add to a post is on your local computer, use this option to add the image file. Click on the Browse button and find the image file, then click on Open. The file name will appear in the Upload Image area.

Next, compose your message and click on either Post Message or Preview Message. Your image will be uploaded at this time. In the case of a message preview, the html link for the uploaded image will be added to your message body.

If the image is located on another server with a URL, use the Optional Image URL above to add a link to an image on another internet computer.


  1. To use this feature, you must be a Registered Inmate.

  2. Contributing Members of the Asylum may upload one or more files a day. If we get bored with you or if you abuse the privilege, then we cut you off for a while or for good. Other inmates my upload one (1) image file per week.

  3. All images over 640x480 resolution will be scaled accordingly to reduce bandwidth and storage space.

E-mail Replies (Optional)

When you click on the E-mail Replies checkbox, then you will automatically get an E-Mail to notify you whenever anyone responds to your post. For this feature to work, you have to be registered and post with your Password, be logged in to the Asylum or you must enter your E-Mail Address in the E-Mail (Optional) box.

If you are registered, you can also select an option in your Profile to enable this feature by default. Just login or click on the Profile link. Then use the Manage/Change link to update your profile. Find the 'Use 'Email Notification' by default?' checkbox. If it is unchecked, then check it and save your changes. You will then always get notifications to responses to your posts whenever you post with your Password.

I don't ever get any email.

You may have entered your email incorrectly. If you are registered and have changed ISPs or E-Mail Address, then you may not have updated your Asylum Profile with your new E-Mail. Just login or click on the Profile link. Then use the Manage/Change link to update your profile. You'll get a confirmation E-Mail and must follow the provided link in the E-Mail to confirm your new E-Mail Address.

The last reason could be that you are using AOL. The Asylum and many other sites have been randomly blocked from sending E-Mail to AOL because either we send to many E-Mails (from the Auto-Replies) or because some AOL user forgot he requested the mail and reported it as spam. Getting off their list is impossible. I've spent hours on the phone with them getting bounced from place to place to no avail. You should complain to AOL for censoring your E-Mail. You should also consider getting a new E-Mail account with Yahoo Mail or Gmail.

But I did use a valid email address.

It may have passed our error check, but you still may have entered your email incorrectly.

It must be your fault. I want you to check your mail logs.


Has the previous question really been asked frequently?

Would I lie about something like this?

Can I put html tags anywhere in my posts?

No. You can not use HTML tags in any field except body of the message.

If you want to know how to enter html in your posts, then visit our Asylum supported HTML page that is maintained by Mart. However, not all HTML tags are allowed. Some have no reason to be used and others could be malicious. If you see the message, HTML tag not allowed, in your post, then you've found either a bug or a tag that isn't allowed.

How do I change my Moniker/Username from my email address?

First, login to your account or click on the Profile at the top of any page.

Next, use the Manage/Change link to view your Profile. Go to the bottom of the page and enter a new Moniker and your Password. If this completes without an error, you are done. Otherwise, it's likely you will get an error that the name you chose was already taken. If so, pick another name like Bill3456 or whatever and try again.

Click here to Login to your account.

How do I change my Password?

First, login to your account or click on the Profile at the top of any page.

Next, use the Manage/Change Account Information link to view your settings. You will see a section near the top of the page titled, "To change your Password, enter a new one twice below." Do this and then enter your current password at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

Click here to Login to your account.

How do I change my Email Address?

First, login to your account or click on the Profile at the top of any page.

Next, use the Manage/Change Account Information link to view your settings. The first entry on the top of the page is titled, "Your E-mail address". Enter the new email address. Then go to the bottom of the page, enter your password and save your changes.

You will then be taken to an Email Confirmation page. Changes must be verified by sending you an email with a link back to the confirmation page. Check your email and click on the link or enter the code on the confirmation page.

Click here to Login to your account.

I can't enter my Moniker (Username) in a message.

If you see the Moniker (Username) description in the message dialogue, but there is no place to input your name, then you have JavaScript turned off. We use JavaScript to automatically fill in this box if you are logged in, that's why. Turn on JavaScript and you'll be good to go.

Why didn't my post show up?

Your post most likely did not show up, because your browser did not reload the page, it simply pulled it out of cache. Please reload your browser and it should then appear.

What's with all these view options?

Multiple different views of the Asylum have been added over time in response to user requests and preferences. Most users prefer our standard Classic view. Others wanted to see threads with new posts come to the top. Still others are more comfortable and prefer a vBulletin-like user interface.

In response to these preferences, we offer three different ways to view the Asylum:

See the next FAQ below for information on how to set your default view.

How do I get my old Classic view back?

If your view of the Asylum is changing in a way that is not expected, you either are not accepting cookies, don't have a Default View (DV) cookie or your Profile is set to the wrong view. There are three ways to select a default view of the Asylum:

1) Login to the Asylum

At the top of every page, there is a Login link. Click on the link if you don't see your Moniker or Username displayed. When you login, your user profile will be read and a cookie will be set with your preferences from your Profile.

If you do see your Moniker and a Profile link at the top of the page and the problem persists, you need to go to step 2 and update your Profile.

2) Change Your User Profile

Look at the top of the page for a Login or a Profile link. Click on the link.

Next, click on the Manage/Change Account Information link.

About half way down the page, you'll see a section titled, Default View of Forums, click on the desired view. Then go to the bottom of the page and enter your password to save your changes.

3) Quick Change From a Forum Page

First, you must be in either the Threads or eThreads views. Go to the bottom of one of these pages and you'll see a dialog box with the following selections:

Default View: o AA Classic o This View

The value that is checked is your current default. To change it, just click on the other selection and click on the Go button.

Checking and changing your Profile is the preferred method. Setting your Default View from a forum index page only works if you're missing the Default View cookie and your Profile is correct. Otherwise, when you login or post a message, your Profile will be read and the Default View cookie will be modified if it doesn't match your Profile preferences. This can cause the changing view problem to reappear.

If you have your browser set to always remove cookies at the end of a session, then you will either have to always login to the Asylum to get the correct view or you can set an exception. For Firefox, go to Tools, Options and Privacy. Click on Exceptions in the Cookies section. Where it asks for the Address of web site, enter audioasylum.com. Then click on Allow and Close. You'll not be annoyed anymore.

Why don't you wake up and use some modern software?

Because we don't like this "modern" software.

First, most new software doesn't support the concept of threading or replying to a specific post. Second, our users like the simple look and feel of our Classic view. Lastly, our software is modern and is actually as complex or more so than most canned packages.

However, if you are used to another user interface and prefer it, try our eThreads view. You might change your mind.

Your wwwboard software sucks, why don't you switch to vBulletin?

No, vBulletin sucks! It's a useless resource hog.

The vast majority of our users are set in their ways and would revolt if we changed. And they prefer the deceptively simple look and feel of the Asylum.

You may disagree. That's fine. It's also why we created the eThreads view which may make you feel right at home.

Last and not least, we don't use wwwboard! Yes, we started the Asylum back in March of 1999 with wwwboard. However, after doing some bug fixes and adding multiple forum support and a bunch of other features, the software was completely rewritten, not once, but twice. Currently, the only piece of wwwboard code that remains is Matt Wright's copyright.

What's your policy on Spam?

Spam is bad. We don't like it.

Once in a blue moon, the Asylum might send certain users that checked the Spam Me box in their profile an E-Mail. Or Contributing Members might get a reminder someday when their membership expires. Other than that, we're not very good at spam.

Will you sell my E-Mail Address?

Only for a million dollars. But we'll make you an offer to buy it back for 2 million first.

Seriously, no. We've never have and never will give anyone our user's E-Mail Addresses.

Well, never say never, if the FBI comes down on our lawyer with the right docs, we might have to give it to them.

I got tons of Spam after I registered on the Asylum.

It's a coincidence. However, if you entered your E-Mail Address in the E-Mail (Optional) box or put it in a message, then it's possible that some nasty spam bot found it and gave it to 4 million spammers. That's not our fault because we already told you not to do that right here.

No, it's all your fault that I get Spam!

No, it's not. But if you insist, ok.

Has the previous question really been asked frequently?

Would I lie about something like this?

I get an annoying Select User Name drop box or weird form filler helper pop up when I try to Post a Message?

This is a Netscape bug, er, feature.

Go to Edit on the upper menu bar. Then open Preferences and scroll down to Privacy & Security. Open Privacy & Security and then open Password. The rest is self explanatory.

Where can I get the scripts for this program?

You can't. Our software was originally based on scripts written in Perl and created by Matt Wright. It was based on the original WWWBoard which is free to anyone who wishes to use it. You can find it and other scripts at: http://www.scriptarchive.com/.

Our present software is completely customized by and for Audio Asylum using mod_perl and Java. Since it's been completely re-written four times and had countless numbers of hacks and enhancements added, it would be a major undertaking to generalize this software for use by anyone else. However, we do provide an option for Sponsored Forums if you like our software and have a need for a related forum that would be of interest to our Inmates. You can contact us via this link: E-Mail the Asylum.
