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musical chairs: ver. 3.x

Posted on March 13, 1999 at 10:34:51

Golly gee, I don't have as much time as you all to sit here and read all the postings about audio/video (do you watch your computers while you listen???)...., but I just found out my "state-of-the-art" digital/video processor is 5, that's right, 5 versions out-of-date (I bought it a few months ago). So my question is....

have you been to a movie lately where the video and sound was...let's be generous...just slightly worse than what you can get at home? The last best picture I saw was...(timely) 2001 at the Warner in Pittsburgh (downtown, but I think they blew it up by now) within a few days of it's release there (you've never seen a movie house this good, unless you're old enough to have lost half your hearing). Before that the best picture/sound I saw/heard was Ben Him (or her, not that there's anything wrong with being a gladiator) back in the ...60's.

I'm thinking about selling some Merck stock to get one of those flat plasma HDTV screens, because I've seen some really good comercials lately.'s a million-dollar idea....a 24 hour international weather channel, in HDTV, without people! Nobody standing in front of the weather! and to pay for it , interlace 24 hour commericals at , oh, 60 Hz, that's the noise we see/here anyway....

the change in place / the change in time


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