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American TV Guide Movie Ratings- Who?

Bambi B,

I am constantly surpreised at the variability of the number of "stars" or checks given to mivies when listed in American television guides. These vary for the same movie and sometimes in the same publication over time.

Often , too these don't make sense from a critical standpoint. A showing of "Titanic" with commerical interrruptions is given 4- stars while a commerical-free showing "Apocolyse Now" has three. Two weeks later, the same publication has 4 for AN. I saw "Juliet of the Spirits" listed with three stars too and this is the same as for "Back to the Future 2." Fair?

Who makes these rating determinations for cable companies and television guide publishers? Is this in-house or does the distributor set them?

A small thing, but noticable if you watch a lot of movies!


Bambi B

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Topic - American TV Guide Movie Ratings- Who? - Bambi B 16:52:27 02/01/03 (0)

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