Films/DVD Asylum

I'm sitting here, roaring with laughter. You're right, you did

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fool me. Not the 10-year-old-girl "gotcha" (which, until proven otherwise, I'll assume is bullshit), but that it took me this long to realize you're a delusional psychopath. That post was beyond odd-that lil' baby went roaring across the border and straight ahead to Bizzaroville.

I could go on and on about the weird, out-of-context, assumptions you're bullying out of my Wallace facts and opinions, or that you're either unable or pretending not to see the link between my Wallace-as-genius, Dahmer-as-food-critic comparison, but frankly, this is entering the world of the bizarre and mentally unstable. Sort of like Polanski's 'Tenant'-and man, you are the 'tenant'. Sorry, but I've got a nice life in the world of reality, so I really don't have time for this. Just imagine me backing verrry sloowwwly awwaaay. Wow........

Oh, but good luck on that "screenplay". Really looking forward to that. Have your people call my people-love to hear your pitch! Ciao!

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