Films/DVD Asylum

Ah yes, well that probably explains the vast majority of your posts!

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Apparently you were a drama queen in college (no sexual orientation reference intended). ;O)

FYI, I was a Fine Arts major and English minor with many elective hours compiled with my Universities Film science and arts program. That may not qualify me to be a philosopher or highly regarded film critic, but it does give me some credibility in the knowledge department as a film historian. Who knows, maybe your background qualifies you to dance in a Broadway musical, but so far your tap-dancing hasn't impressed me. :O)

>>> "LOTR may have won a few awards..." <<<

Ummm, 11 for the last film, including Best Director and Best Picture; winning 17 of 30 nominations for all 3 films, but who's counting. ;0)

>>> "I said I MIGHT vote for McCain....and then again I may not vote at all" <<<

Voting is a privilege, but it is your choice. However, if you're going to rail endlessly against Obama, spewing lies and hateful rhetoric, then don't expect folks to take you seriously when you say you MIGHT vote or MIGHT NOT.

>>> "IMO LOTR won a few awards due to the old Academy sympathy vote....." <<<

Nope, your opinion would be in error. LoTR: Return of The King won many awards because it was a grand achievement. Whether you personally like the series or not is another story.

>>> ".....which if you know history of the Academy has happened more than a few times" <<<

I'll ignore your condescending inference about my knowledge of the Academy and agree that this has happened on rare occasion in the past, but never in the case of a series of films nominated in subsequent years.

>>> "Those LOTR films as a series were over-produced, tediously long and self-indulgent" <<<

I totally disagree; in fact I'd have to say that the extended versions are even better than the standard theatrical releases because the epic tale is that much closer to the source material which Peter Jackson so faithfully envisioned. If you think the LoTR trilogy is tediously long I'd hate to ask what you think of grand epics like Lawrence of Arabia or How The West Was Won. Let me guess: you prefer soapy stereotypical epics like Gone With The Wind, right? Or do you prefer short-subjects? ;O)

>>> "I'm glad to see Jackson giving The Hobbit to del Toro who IMO IS a brilliant director!" <<<

We can agree that del Toro is brilliant, but not all of his films are great (The Devil's Backbone was superb, but Pan's Labyrinth had some serious logic flaws). OTOH, I think he may be ideally suited for interpreting Tolkien material as long as he doesn't take it too dark.

>>> "If you want to know what films I consider "classics" search the archives." <<<

I just want YOU to back up your own claims in this thread; if I'd wanted to search the archives to glean debate points that challenge your taste in films I would've done that. Frankly, I don't hold much stock in your opinions as it is. My time is a valuable asset that I'd rather not waste hunting through slap-dash hyperbole when all that was requested is a list of the films you consider classics; how difficult is that?

However, if you're unwilling to accommodate my simple request and continue to pursue this line of reasoning, thus moving this thread further to the right (territory you appear to find comfortable), then I may take your suggestion seriously and put the full weight of my 70mm widescreen logic on your 8mm home movie viewpoint. ;^>


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