Films/DVD Asylum

RE: Need help compiling list a ruthless bad guys

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Uh...Tony Montana did not have a "thing" for his sister. He couldn't see her as an adult and face her lost innocence (which is not an unheard of issue in misogynist cultures) and flew into a rage when he found out his best friend was sleeping with her in secret. Even in this country there are instances of "honor killings" in which a father or brother murders a young woman for her "dishonor"--often among muslim immigrants not latinos.

But it's very interesting that you would interpret that as "having a thing for his sister". Wow.

As for ruthless bad guys, look no further than Ralph Fiennes in Schindler's List.

We must be the change we wish to see in the world. -Gandhi

Edits: 05/24/11

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