Films/DVD Asylum

A turkey that could have been................

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the swan.

Btw. The plot in the wiki is not totally accurate. Anyway, I could see how this film could have been one of the greatest movies ever made.

I think the flaws are:

1. It tried to be too many things to too many audience at the same time.

2. It introduced too many spectacles just for the sake of spectacles. Instead of using spectacles to develop characters and move the plot, it created characters and plot so that it can insert too many spectacles.

...but there are some brilliant moments in this movie.

One being, the Dex becomes a giglo so that he can produce funds for revolutions, and how he hurts a well-meaning older lady in the process.

How Dex somehow is commited to revolution after having been a rich playboy in Europe. It's not really about how much he cares about the downrodden poor, but he's simply bored with conventional dramas of rich and famous.

Yep! That's it! It was sheer boredom that drives Dex to revolution!

If the director used these emotionally moments to move the plot and develop characters, it could have been a masterpiece.

What a waste.

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