Films/DVD Asylum

Shaw's Thesis extrapolated by timeline clues (massive spoilage)...

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... revealed within the film.

Had to sleep on your burning questions, but they are right on.

After my second viewing it jumps right out from our very own mythological history... What happened 2000 (carbon sampled) years "give or take" from the time the planters were hoisted by their own petards and found mummified and laying in heaps?

The Crucifixion.

Therefore the planters are not the actual creators but were indeed created, as were we if albeit by their hubris 35,000 years prior to the film story. Those builders of the towers of babble (taking creation to themselves and too far) pay for their folly.

The planters were trying to correct their big mistake, which of course is our big mistake - by angering God.

All these machinations blow existence out of all proportion as a curse upon those who have ventured from Eden - planter or planted it all must balance eventually.

Rapace's quest to ask "why" may indeed be the salvation mankind needs to make amends; although barren perhaps she will finally bear a Son divinely? Space-time is no impediment to the extra-dimensional forge of God's will.

Prequel sequel shmeequel ... I'm ready for the next installment any which way.

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