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Wrong again, Jazz

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In this thread you posted your wrong-headed opinion as "fact," as you usually do. In this thread you started with the insults, by accusing me of "ignoring" your foolish opinion masquerading as a "fact." You even had the arrogance to assume that everyone else agrees with your ridiculous opinions, which further cements your reputation.

Just in case you hadn't figured it out already, I have no interest in attempting to engage in any sort of meaningful debate with you, because you aren't capable of distinguishing between your opinions and facts, and you seem to have absolutely no ability to reason logically. If you attempt to start an argument with me, you'll generally get nothing but brief, acerbic responses.

Oh - and since you have an obsessive need to get in the last word no matter what, please be my guess. Rant. Rave. Have a temper tantrum. Whatever it takes to satisfy your urges.

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