Video Asylum

I have to agree with your wife; I've often called it Snorlaris, and both my wife & I ...

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...have both compared it to a massive dose of Sominex. The endless tunnel sequence is one of the most boring sections of wasted film stock in history.

>>> "In my opinion, it exemplifies what 'real' science fiction should be, while movies like 'Alien' are really just monster films that take place in space." <<<

Well, no offense, but I have to differ with your impressions even though I agree that good science fiction doesn't have to gravitate toward monster films to be relevent or involving. I consider AI-Artificial Intelligence, Charlie, The Abyss, Metropolis ('27), Clockwork Orange, etc., to be excellent science fiction films based upon thought provoking concepts, but AFAIC, Solaris (both versions, but especially "Tvarski's" original take on Stanislaw Lem's seminal work) is no more than an excuse for Directorial masturbation.


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