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RE: modus operandi = mode of operation; it isn't about your selling the same snake oil...

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>> as mtrycrafts, it's about HOW you sell it. Face it dude, you and he have similar styles and you both push your biases relentlessly. <<

Two thoughts come immediately to mind: 1) you are more concerned with style over substance and 2) you're not the brightest bulb in the box.

>> Never said price wasn't a factor, but it was N-E-V-E-R my first consideration. <<

Obviously it was.

>> I don't give a rat's patootie what you think, <<

Obviously you do.

>> but for those who haven't kept pace with this ongoing debate it's always been films of interest which come first and foremost, at least with me. <<

Your posting history proves you are lying as you have shown great interest in the spidey and pirates trilogies.

>> As for capacity and audio, the issues of capacity and lossless audio will be resolved just like they were with standard format DVD. <<

You manage to sneak in a few minor lies pretty often, but that one is a major lie.

>> The fact that Blu-ray has greater capacity isn't important as far as viewing movies in high definition unless there are observable differences between the two formats with Blu-ray appearing noticeably better or the space is utilized for enhanced content of interest to consumers. <<

Well, Michael Bay and others seem to think there is, and he's in a better position to judge than either of us.

>> True, but like you he's a single-minded cheer-leader and devoted fan-boy for his format of choice. <<

You've flipped your wig. I'm advocating greater capacity. If there wasn't such a disparity beween the formats, I wouldn't even advocate one over the other. You on the other hand have managed to not only cheerlead for a format but to deny the logic that capacity is beneficial to HD media. At this point you are also ignoring facts like sales figures and other statistics that don't fit in with your idiotic buying decisions.

>> Fine, I'm glad that you enjoy Blu-ray, and I've never criticized you for your choice. <<

Another lie!

>> My issue with your attitude is that you leave no room for others choosing HD-DVD for the reasons that the select that format, <<

I leave plenty of room. It's just that none of you have been able to articulate those reasons without filling the room I've left with complete nonsense. When you can't even admit that capacity is a critical issue in HD formats, 99.9% of the logic is rapidly drained out of your position. And reasons without logic are like snowballs in hell. There ain't any.

>> not to mention the fact that some of us get tired of looking at blue pom-poms all day long! <<

It's your own fault for googling images of blue pom poms. These weak insults of yours really are KEKL-esque. You two have much in common. You basically ignore any serious rationale and simply make empty charges about cheerleading ad nauseum. It's so frikkin stupid. And it's played.

>> The bottom line: You either accuse folks of being foolish because they don't share your capacity concerns, <<

They're the characteristics of the format! How can you even discuss the formats without honing in on it? The capacity has nothing to do with me. But I would be foolish to ignore such a critical specification when evaluating which format to adopt. And yes, you were foolish for failing to do so. It's just a basic fact.

>> or accuse them of being cheap because they consider price and value or you call them liars when they tell you that their favorite movies are offered only on HD-DVD, and that there aren't enough films of interest being released on Blu-ray. <<

I call you a liar because your posting history that proves you are lying.

>> I'm not going to call you a liar, but you've condemned yourself by your own words. Please don't bring advocacy down to your fan-boy level, because advocacy implies intelligent, rational discourse and acceptance of the possibility that things may not be as black and white as you'd like them to be. <<

There's no grey area here. Blu-ray has a 50-gig capacity. HD DVD has a 30-gig capacity. High def A/V files are big. Lossless high def A/V files are bigger still. Capacity is an important issue. These are facts that can't be ignored without a heavy dose of kool aid.

>> I've stated many times that I don't have a dog in this hunt <<

Yeah, and that's a lie too because you're financially and emotionally invested in HD DVD and your posting history proves it. If you don't like being called a liar, the best thing you can do is stop lying. I'm not trying to be cruel, I'm just calling you on your BS.

>> BTW, I've read Bay's comments linked from that site, and you should read some of the responses. Rodney Dangerfield would've felt respected after reading those posts. <<

Well, what about your response? Are you just going to ignore what a filmmaker says about the formats even though he knows what film looks like, what HD DVD looks like and what blu-ray looks like? Are you going to buy into those who are insulting him, even though they lack the experience or requisite viewing to discount his observations?

Bay certainly has financial incentive to say good things about HD DVD. His blockbuster is out on HD DVD and he is signed to a studio not releasing BDs at the moment. So what's his motivation to say Blu-ray is better? Could it be because that's what he and others have observed? Ya think?

"I have found that if you love life, life will love you back." -Arthur Rubinstein (1887-1982)

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