Video Asylum

Well, you're definititely coming at this format war from the perspective of a Tale of Strange Ulysses!

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Are you aware that Michael Bay was supporting HD-DVD as recently as August; I guess he's a "Transformed" man (must've been something SONY put in his water, ...or was it his wallet?). BTW, his "Bad Boy" Microsoft conspiracy theory (that Bill Gates is trying to destroy both formats and conquer with world with downloads) hangs like a pie-pan flying saucer over this debate. If this assertion was any more looney tunes MB would probably be wearing a tin-foil hat, similar to those that fan-boys around here often sport. When are you guys going to figure out that driving force behind "The Rock" is really pom-a-granite like yourselves?

Michael Bay's HD-DVD vs Blu-ray is a Microsoft Conspiracy Theory (Dec. 6)...

If you Blu-ray cheer-leaders keep serving up half-baked baloney while twirling your batons, before long folks'll be sayin' "Armageddon" outta here! ;0)

Edits: 12/09/07   12/09/07

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