Video Asylum

"My decisions are based on the superior capacity..." - So, you would trade a yaught for a barge, ...

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...just because the latter has greater capacity? ;O)

>>> "Unfortunately for you, no one is saying that they prefer HD DVD for reasons of substance." <<<

Not so, I've provided several SOLID reasons reasons why one might forgo Blu-ray and opt for HD-DVD; all you've provided is, well, substance abuse! ;^D

>>> "You've managed to put yourself in the unenviable position of defending microsoft and an inferior format, while incessantly trying to insult people excited about the better format." <<<

You sir are a prevaricator; I hope that that word isn't too big for your capacity! (-grin) FYI, this isn't about the 'evil' Microsoft, and my defense is for a quality format that delivers. I'm standing up for a format that you incessantly insult with assertions about inferiority, when that hasn't proven to be the case. I only ridicule the SONY fan-boys and cheer leaders who, out of malicious self-interest, are predisposed to knocking the HD-DVD format and all those own and like it.

BTW, if you define "excitement" as the zealotry that goes along with unrestrained advocacy, then I'd say that you're seriously mixed up, because what you are demonstrating is defensive posturing.


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