Video Asylum

RE: " wanted the cheap player, casablanca and matrix..." - 1 partial fact out of 3 assertions...

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doesn't change my point one bit. You made a silly decision based on nothing of significance...a few titles you've seen a million times. Even if there were 10 hd dvd exclusives you wanted, or 20, you should have looked at the broader issues before adopting. You didn't. And that's cool. It's just that you cant admit it.

BTW, I can't remember what HD DVDs you own because I really don't care and it really doesn't affect my point about your reasons for adopting and your ongoing stance that capacity isn't important. Which is almost as weird as your compulsion to defend microsoft. Ah well...we all have our priorities.

"I have found that if you love life, life will love you back." -Arthur Rubinstein (1887-1982)

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