Home Video Asylum

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Re: Problem with Mitsubishi 55805 display

Possibility number 1: you have logged a lot of hours with the gray bars turned on, ("standard" mode) and are experiencing burn-in.

Possibility number 2: your set has had this problem since day 1, and you are just now noticing it. Our 65905 (indeed, quite a few of them) had the gray bar problem. The fix is known as the "ghost bar" or "ferrite bead" fix. Mits is well aware of the problem; in fact, based on feedback, they incorporated the fix into later production runs.

Basically, the fix involves soldering a ferrite bead in place, routing a yoke cable, and that's it.

Suggest you cruise through the Digital Theater Archives for posts by Paul Carleton for more info about this problem.

Also suggest that you grab the phone number for Mits from their website, call, and get a file number assigned to you. I cannot compliment Mits enough for their professionalism in getting a fix to us in a timely fashion, and actually listening to what we told them.

CAVEAT: I have no idea if the 65905 problem is the same as yours, or if the 55805 suffers from a similar problem.

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  • Re: Problem with Mitsubishi 55805 display - Bob Wanamaker 18:33:02 02/29/00 (0)

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