Video Asylum

RE: you're gonna be very disappointed re: that list

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Then I guess I shall have to suffer with my OLD FASHIONED Meridian 596 DVD machine and associated Runco monitor..... What a pitty!

55-65 crowd? Well, I have quite a few years until the age of 55 thank you! But again, I prefer to watch the film presentation at the highest possible quality (within my budget) and not so much the equipment.

Is there something wrong with older people, the baby boomers? Their generation at present has more money than the younger generations.

VHS? You gotta be kidding! I dumped VHS over a decade ago. When I did VHS, it was for time shifting.

You'd be surprised that some in the younger generation who do enjoy older and newer movies. I think that this "film crowd that I associate with, a local Las Vegas film society has a wide age range but tilts from the 40's to the 20's, seems typically to have a graduate degree, culture, and an intellect that rejects simple minded pop culture. I doubt that this crowd would watch American Idol or most of those BR disks that Sony is discounting.

What is amusing is that so many who fall for "American Culture" presume that everything new is good and that everything old is bad. Hardly the case.

Actually, I was pulling for Blu-Ray and had for about six months a Sony BD player. Unfortunately, it died under warranty so, it went back.

What I really find interesting is that when I go over to LA and go to a couple of movie theaters where they play old movies, it is astounding who young the people are, 20's 40's. Film students?

Just can't figure out many of today's popular films that seem to rely on a heavy dose of special effects, questionable plot Oh, I forgot: It has been noted by film critics - the TV, newspaper, magazine kind, "That Hollywood movies these days cater to 16 year old males.

So, I guess that leave those of us who are a bit older than that and who have a fair degree of education to watch the "Old Foggie" movies.

In the long term, I guess we'll have to sit back and see if Blu-Ray, HD DVD or some other type of HD format make it in the market.

Here is my question: At the beginning of this thread regarding Sony's BD sale, mostly contemporary movies which I dislike, whey is Sony discounting them? Why isn't the "young smart" people snapping up as fast as they can be pressed?

Just a question.........

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