Video Asylum

Some perspective, no pun intended.

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I download shows that do not come on the major broadcast networks. (call me a thief, whatever, when I read stuff like this it makes me kindof glad)

HDTV over the air is truly wonderful, it looks crystal clear. I download the "HDTV" versions of BSG, and I use my computer to connect to my HDTV, well I can tell you the "HDTV" resolutions are what is called "minor" HDTV. This means, the 16/9 aspect ratio is what is putting this, otherwise, basically average 4/3 NTSC resolution, into the "minor" class.

They get to say it is HD, and you get to have the wide screen aspect, but there is definitely upconverting, but it is probably being done by your receiver box or TV.

So there is the answer, look up what a "minor" HDTV signal is... it is basically like watching a DVD, it is not 1080i, or even 720p, but it IS in wide screen.

Until the compression goes away, and until cable or satellite gives the quality of the Antenna HDTV, I am not going to subscribe to any of these services and I am going to continue to download the few shows I want to see. They lose my money because of these shady tactics of trying to trick customers. I cannot let myself give money to companies like this.

After the seasons are released on DVD, I buy them. The only people that lose are the advertisers that are duped into working with companies that want to take advantage of customers, and the shady cable and satellite companies themselves.

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