Video Asylum

Which model?

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Pioneer has been historically slow with getting their video disc players up to snuff. This has continued with their BD players and their firmware, which may or may not matter to you. I wouldn't pay extra for them just for BD at this point, but they may have some other feature/aspect you appreciate. For instance, some are quite good with audio formats.

In the near future the Pio BD players will be "rebranded" versions of somebody elses.

Edit: I hate to say "digital is digital", because we know it isn't so, but in the case of HDMI the data format and interface is so restricted and controlled... Probably what's in between your BDP and Kuro (if anything, such as an AVR/pre-pro) will have more effect on what you see. And the larger difference between BD players in the video realm will IMO be how well they handle DVD upscaling.

Edits: 03/17/09

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