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Is it just me, or is PS/3 a mediocre B-D player?

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A coworker lent me Seasons 1 & 2 of "Lost", and they looked very good when played on my old Toshiba HDDVD player, which I have set to scale to 1080i.

I was ready to be blown away by Season 3, which I bought on Blu-Ray. Popped it into my PS/3 and it looked...alright. Maybe softer and smoother, and somehow not quite right. I had more or less mothballed that Toshiba, as a standard DVD player, it simply looks better than the PS/3, and it seems to me that when comparing high-def media, it looks better there too.

Same sort of HDMI cable used to connect both players directly to my 1080P Sharp TV, btw. Wondering if I should consider getting a dedicated B-D player?!

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