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"Pelé," a compelling look at the career of the first true international

Posted on April 11, 2021 at 17:04:40

Posts: 65782
Location: Kansas City, KS
Joined: April 9, 2006
sports superstar. Archival footage shows the highlights of his amazing career--- but what stood out to me is the humanity, dignity, and the true humility he always projected.

From a ridiculously early age, 17 (!), he led Brazil to its first World Cup victory in '58--- just 8 years after the country suffered a crippling, titanic defeat in the finals in its own national stadium. The national character was severely wounded--- it's hard for Americans to realize the symbolism the rest of the world attaches to a contest wherein only the goalkeeper may use his hands.

But the young Pel


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Made if halfway thru tonight, will catch 2nd half tmrw. Very good so far^, posted on April 15, 2021 at 22:36:44
Road Warrior

Posts: 21661
Location: Dallas
Joined: August 31, 2004


"E Burres Stigano?"


Glad to hear it. Not really so much about sports as about national identity and, posted on April 16, 2021 at 14:30:37

Posts: 65782
Location: Kansas City, KS
Joined: April 9, 2006
the pressures that can overwhelm men under historically unusual situations. Pelé's character is what stood out to me most.


2nd half as good as the first. Love documentaries built around sports. This one was damned good^, posted on May 1, 2021 at 03:32:31
Road Warrior

Posts: 21661
Location: Dallas
Joined: August 31, 2004


"E Burres Stigano?"


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