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'Hidden Figures': Pushing pencils not brooms . . .

Posted on January 12, 2017 at 21:18:28
Billy Wonka

Posts: 3790
Joined: April 25, 2013
October 15, 2013
The story of three mathematical geniuses who happened to work at NASA's first installation in Langley, Va. The movie is well-written delivering a well modulated Civil Rights line, humor, romance, and the daily struggle these three ladies had trying to grow into their own inside a system working against them. I enjoyed this and recommend it for both entertainment and enlightenment. Just try to get passed some of the obvious hooey of the early 60's.

Ps. The epilogue is rich with photographs of our three heroines. Nice touch putting real faces to the actors.


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Finally saw this ...Terrific !!! (nt), posted on January 30, 2017 at 08:40:04

Posts: 13175
Location: CT
Joined: June 7, 2005
January 19, 2010

reelsmith's axiom: Its going to be used equipment when I sell it, so it may as well be used equipment when I buy it.


RE: 'Hidden Figures': Pushing pencils not brooms . . ., posted on January 13, 2017 at 04:56:48

Posts: 5666
Location: Louisville, KY
Joined: January 7, 2012
Saw it last night. Grandkids were shocked to see the "colored" restrictions. I was ten at the time and remember well the separate bathrooms, water fountains, lunch counters and all the rest. I was completely ignorant of it going on at NASA. Good film and excellent performances.



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