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Star Wars: TPM and other gripes.

Posted on May 5, 1999 at 08:46:11
Tom S.

I was just wondering if I was the only one who was pissed off when Rick McCallum was quoted as saying that the original trilogy will not be released on DVD for another 1½ years. I think the reasoning of "waiting until home DVD units are capable of DD EX decoding" is just plain BS. To me, this seems like a money making scheme for equipment manufacturers of DD EX (which I believe both Lucasfilm and Dolby have stock in). Can't we just view the film in "outdated" DD 5.1? Sheesh!

In regards to TPM: If Lucasfilm "took every precaution" to guard the storyline of the film until release, then why does the soundtrack give away plot points. Double sheesh!

Sorry, but I just had to gripe about the way things are turning out with the Star Wars empire.

Have fun,
Tom S.


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Re: Star Wars: TPM and other gripes., posted on May 5, 1999 at 16:41:25
A pee poor excuse if you ask me. Nothing prevents them from doing a prologic matrix on the rear 3 channels as that is all it is, not discrete. then we can enjoy it now and have it for later as well. there must be some other reasons they are not saying.


"We can sell you this EX surround decoder........, posted on May 5, 1999 at 18:27:08
Tom S.
.....for $99. All you need is an exsisting THX approved Dolby Digital sound system. Receive $15 off your decoder purchase when you purchase The Special Edition Star Wars Trilogy on DVD priced at $64.99."--A possible Advertisement paid for by Dolby Digital EX

I can see decoder and DVD packages selling like hotcakes to those newbies who have no idea they can decode with an extra (now obsolete) dolby surround decoder. A very lowdown and greedy tactic if you ask me. Isn't it amazing you can get a regular DD decoder for $150 now?

Have fun,
Tom S.


It's all about greed., posted on May 5, 1999 at 19:58:24
And who gets the short end of the stick? Well it's us the consumers of course, like always.



George L, throw us a bone!, posted on May 6, 1999 at 06:58:21
Isn't it ironic that he develops THX which dictates/endorses Home Theater build and set-up standards while putting more money in his pocket and then won't even let his own films be released. Hey George, we paid a lot for this stuff, many of us like your films but we're getting a little SICK of you. You greedy BASTARD!! (Can you use "bastard" on this forum?



George L, throw us a bone!, posted on May 6, 1999 at 07:00:05
Isn't it ironic that he develops THX which dictates/endorses Home Theater build and set-up standards while putting more money in his pocket and then won't even let his own films be released. Hey George, we paid a lot for this stuff, many of us like your films but we're getting a little SICK of you. You greedy BASTARD!! (Can you use "bastard" on this forum?



Re: "We can sell you this EX surround decoder........, posted on May 6, 1999 at 21:24:03
And all it would need is a decent amount of power to the front as the rears are not needed. That is what I may do, don't know.


Re: Star Wars: TPM and other gripes., posted on May 6, 1999 at 21:27:43
I was at Borders today and the book TPM is out before the movie. So, the plot is out and all.


Re: Star Wars: TPM and other gripes., posted on May 7, 1999 at 04:21:39
The whole marketing campaign for TPM has been planned for years, from the THX-enhanced videos/LDs to the release of the "Special Edition" of the original trilogy, George Lucas knows how to milk a cashcow. I saw the books for TPM as well at Borders, but come on, are you saying you will read the book and not go see the movie?? Months ago rumor had it that the original trilogy will be released on DVD during X-mas although nothing has been confirmed. The way this is going, the prequels will not see the laser of a DVD player until they make a sequal to Titanic


Yep., posted on May 7, 1999 at 06:36:49
Tom S.
I'm keeping my DS receiver around even though I'm not using it. It might
come in handy down the road......

Tom S.


Re: Star Wars: TPM and other gripes., posted on May 7, 1999 at 09:50:09
I just didn't expect the book to come before the movie. Not like it is a movie from a book deal.
Did the original trilogy have the books before the movie?


I tried it ..., posted on May 9, 1999 at 04:41:27
& found that I lost ambience. The rears seem to paint an acoustic back drop over which the fronts paint. For DD, I admit that I mounted my LR1s horizontally like the MGCC1. I did this to make the stray rear signals less distracting. Instead of a phone suddenly ringing out of one of your rear channels (that makes me involuntarily glare directly at the speaker), I hear a distant phone ringing off to the side. Infinitely more pleasing to me.


Re: I tried it ..., posted on May 9, 1999 at 12:17:06
But is that how you think it would sound if you were in the picture looking at the scene? Or more direct sound from a point source. It is a preference though. I think if it is recorded right, then a source point sound will sound like that and an ambient will sound ambient.


Re: Star Wars: George L, posted on May 9, 1999 at 14:55:58
Here we go...... I live in Northern Cal.& Lucas has done more for the film industry here than any other person. If you compare his (Tactics) to hollywood he is a saint. I think he will wait until the Quality issues around DVD are solved. He has a small empire unlike his competitors so he has to make the best out of what he has. Have you hear of ILM? That in itself is a great contribution to the film community. I'm not a big star wars fan but I am a big George fan so please consider some of this yarb before call a gent a Bastard....Adios DMc


Re: Star Wars: George L, posted on May 9, 1999 at 21:30:30
Industrial Light and Magic is indeed a great outfit. Has contributed to many films. George is a smart businessman and why not. This ain't charity work he is doing.


originally thought that way myself ..., posted on May 10, 1999 at 01:04:47
.. But by that philosophy that would unfortunately that out of the numerous LDs (I own & rented) I haven't found a correctly recorded film. I think my theory is much more probable.

However, the lateral Maggie is an elegant fix.


Re: Star Wars: TPM and other gripes., posted on May 10, 1999 at 01:36:29
Just another Star Wars-related item: About 5 years ago(maybe more), I saw a Mercedes station wagon parked on Geary Blvd. in San Francisco with the license plate of "THX-1138", always wondered who owned the car.....


Re: Star Wars: George L, posted on May 10, 1999 at 05:31:51
Okay, I take it back. His films have given my family and me hours of entertainment over the years. But I still can't understand why they are not being released on DVD. Is there truth to the rumor that he's a major investor in DTS and waiting for it to establish itself before releasing the first three Star Wars films?


Update. A quote from George., posted on May 10, 1999 at 11:09:49
Tom S.
George Lucas: "We have been kind of waiting on the DVD because I have been trying to make sure that the DVD is the ultimate repository of the Star Wars saga. And primarily what we are trying to do is wait until I have all six of them before we release them on DVD."

This was copied from I'm sure that if you made it to the asylum, you've been to DVDresource.

Ultimate repository? That's good.
All six done before release? Considering that George takes his time making movies, the DVD players we have now will be the Great Grandparents of the type of DVD players that will be out when he finishes Episode 3.

If George wants to make money, he ought to release the original trilogy now (not in a year+½) and then rerelease it when he finishes Episode 3. He gets a fortune and we get to have Star Wars on DVD now. A win-win situation if you ask me.

The Special Edition was digitally remastered, correct? Can they not do a digital direct transfer to DVD as they did Antz (or was it Bug's Life?)?
Please do not say "He's waiting for a better quality medium" because it is out on VHS and laserdisc. Why not standard 5.1 DD DVD?

My bitching for the day,
Tom S.


Re: Star Wars: TPM and other gripes., posted on May 10, 1999 at 21:46:17
Are you sure about that? When I asked the DMV about that particular license # (it *wasn't* taken!) I was told 3 alpha-4 digit numbers and 3 alpha-3 digit numbers (as in American Graffiti: THX-138) were *not* available for vanity plates because that form of numbering had already been used at one time...

But then, I didn't send Chewbacca to pick mine up...


Re: Star Wars: George L, posted on May 10, 1999 at 23:28:33
I haven't heard that George was an invester. I would be surprised though because of his long relationship with Dolby Labs which is just down the road. Spielberg on the other hand is all over DTS. I love the DTS sound but hate the fact that the commentaries go by the way side. More storage!


Re: Star Wars: George L, posted on May 10, 1999 at 23:29:35
Right on...


Re: Update. A quote from George., posted on May 11, 1999 at 21:53:03
Yep, you are right. They did come out many times on the lesser quality. He didn't have a problem then, why now? And he didn't have a problem with all the various versions either.
I also heard, don't know how accurate that he may do #2&3 to home release, not movies; don't know as that would not make sense.


Well....., posted on May 12, 1999 at 07:49:21
Tom S.
....supposedly the next two movies are to be "filmed" with all-digital cameras (no film). It would make the transfer to DVD easily, quickly, and seemlessly. You are right when you say it doesn't make sense considering the rigorous and lucrative (for lucas) THX certification of theatres.

Tom S.


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