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'Joker': Somebody wants an Oscar . . .

Posted on October 4, 2019 at 15:30:57
Billy Wonka

Posts: 3772
Joined: April 25, 2013
October 15, 2013
Lose a ton of weight, be in every scene, and let your inner demons out for all to see will generally get you a figurine in tinsel towne. Phoenix will be on the list despite the utter mess the film is which is Joker being seriously crazy. Sure, Phoenix does a great job but it is tough to watch non-stop.

Being an old fogey, I'm not sure I would recommend this picture especially to millennials on down. Anyone programmed to believe society is out to get them may have a hero to emulate.

Joker is smoking in 95% of his scenes which I found hard to take. I've also noticed in other films and on cable that smoking has been on the rise. I guess Big Baccky is fighting hard to enslave the next generation. Tired of it. (Suprise, I've never smoked.)


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Gotta disagree, posted on October 15, 2019 at 05:17:42

Posts: 387
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I thought the movie was awesome. Phoenix deserves an oscar nomination. It was also a great prequel explaining not only how the Joker came to be, but also the tie in to the future Batman. I was totally absorbed with the whole performance. I even found myself smiling at times, and not from any of these called "jokes". I do agree with the cigs, but not to any huge extent.


I thought it would be good, posted on October 10, 2019 at 15:30:48

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But it was even better than I expected.

Am looking forward to seeing it again.

'A lie is halfway around the world before the truth gets its boots on'. -Mark Twain


A masterpiece. Best movie since Birdman. Nt, posted on October 7, 2019 at 11:25:24


Hey, look on the bright side, at least he wasn't vaping. Nt, posted on October 6, 2019 at 06:48:23


RE: Hey, look on the bright side, at least he wasn't vaping. Nt, posted on October 8, 2019 at 13:09:20
beach cruiser

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Joined: September 24, 2003
I liked the humor.

to me, it is pretty simple, smoking is today's black hat. If you want to paint a villian, you stick a lung dart in the mouth, unless, of course, in a kiddie movie.


You have to BE a little crazy to play crazy in a believable way...., posted on October 5, 2019 at 19:07:05

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Location: Long Beach, California
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like Nicholson, DeNiro and Phoenix... They're NOT altogether "there"! Look at some of the things that they have done in their REAL lives... Nicholson chasing people with a bat, DeNiro and his endless TV ranting and raving and it has been pretty well documented that Phoenix has had his share of emotional problems. Heath Ledger was the exception to that rule as I feel he truly went to a place that few others have achieved in the world of acting....


Absolutely, Phoenix is a few synapses short of . . . . *, posted on October 6, 2019 at 12:27:05
Billy Wonka

Posts: 3772
Joined: April 25, 2013
October 15, 2013


I hope so., posted on October 5, 2019 at 16:32:07

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January 7, 2005
Haven't seen the flick, but Phoenix is one of the best; always a little deeper than most, bringing intensity to even mundane roles. I read that training up for this role really kicked his ass, mentally speaking. He developed a nervous tic or something.

The comic book Joker has always been a deep psycho. It shouldn't hurt the character at all for people to see that aspect up close. But he's kind of a turn-off for aspiring chemical engineers.


RE: 'Joker': Somebody wants an Oscar . . ., posted on October 5, 2019 at 04:38:26

Posts: 5666
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My 13 year old grandson wants to see it. Good or bad idea?



The Joker is a prop, posted on October 22, 2019 at 20:21:04

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This is a character study film about a man who fell through the cracks where the medical care, due to funding cuts, no longer provides his meds. It is largely a social commentary film about the lack of mental health supports in the USA - and this man is a result of what happens when cheap ass Rich people won't pay their fair share of taxes.

The fact that it is called "Joker" is to get more people to have eyes on this film.

It could have just as easily been named "clown" and changed the Bruce Wayne name to Jeff Bezos and this would be an art-house film that would generate $3million at the box office.

But call it the Joker and you make a billion dollars.

Now don't get me wrong - I think the performance is outstanding and DeNiro's casting as a tie in to Taxi Driver - this film mirrors that film quite a lot.

The film is a quasi commentary of what is coming when wealth distribution gets to a point where folks get to a point where they are disenfranchised and no longer have anything to lose like the Joker. No one exactly felt sorry for Marie Antoinette and in this movie no one will feel sorry for the Bruce Wayne's of the world.


Hmmmm..., posted on October 26, 2019 at 17:01:20


Mighty drab and intense . . . adult situations . . . , posted on October 6, 2019 at 12:25:16
Billy Wonka

Posts: 3772
Joined: April 25, 2013
October 15, 2013
not comic book situations.


Not my style, , posted on October 4, 2019 at 17:03:31
beach cruiser

Posts: 7063
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Joined: September 24, 2003
Since my retirement, I go to a lot of movies, and enjoy the home grown Hollywood style of big money on the screen, if nothing else . But I will skip this one.

I don't dig the story. Having a cartoon character developed into a human who falls into madness is not needed. Another movie where mental illness is pointlessly tied to homicidal violence is not getting my ticket money.

Besides, everyone knows it was a swim through some chemical vats, to escape the batman , which caused his mind and appearance to go weird , and the joker to develop a life long fascination to destroy the bat man. .


Sperler based on your comment . . . , posted on October 4, 2019 at 18:13:51
Billy Wonka

Posts: 3772
Joined: April 25, 2013
October 15, 2013
He is still wearing makeup at the end of this one.


RE: Sperler based on your comment . . . , posted on October 8, 2019 at 10:44:31
beach cruiser

Posts: 7063
Location: so cal
Joined: September 24, 2003
My comment came off sounding more negative than I would have wished, the movie just seems a little grim, and I am more of a light hearted guy.

I get my variety through various revival houses, the american cinematheque is my favorite, I have a membership. Plenty of social angst from classic directors , most will have a point making the drama they are dragging the audience through, an artistic statement, and possibly worthwhile. Some were/are even big box office.

I was surprised that some actors were called out as crazy, but it is still a free country last time I checked. Acting is a very demanding task at times, being the pivot on a multi million dollar investment has to add a bit of pressure . John wayne in his early days was often so drunk he had to be wired into the saddle, so he wouldn't fall off. Very erratic social behavior, but a far distance from crazy.

I am reminded if a story i saw michelle pheifer tell on a television late night show. After the end of a long day at work, she was in her trailer smoking big weed with jack nickelson. She got a completely unexpected call back to re shoot some scenes, which threw her into a panic, knowing she was in no condition to work , and it would probably effect her barely established work record. Jack told her not to worry, he would take care of it.

He went out to the set, started screaming about some grievance, and started busting up all the glass work on the set with a golf club. Shooting was cancelled , and he had enough yank where the action didn't effect his ability to work. A gentleman never tells. Rescued ladies , different expectations.

I am sure those actions looked like a power mad diva getting ego strokes to all on set, the man's actions blew up a heck of a lot of money. The truth was elsewhere. (glass is a very easy thing to replace, and relatively cheap. A lot of action scenes break a lot of glass to save some money.)


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