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Leave Fox News Aloooooone . . . .

Posted on December 20, 2019 at 15:09:37
Billy Wonka

Posts: 3771
Joined: April 25, 2013
October 15, 2013

A compelling, well-written film utilizing top talent to make it an attractive offering. Lithgow was great as Roger Ailes and the "girls" were great also. A lot of the real people were shown as caricatures of themselves like Rudi and Geraldo. (Kudos to Kate Mikinnon who showed that she could have a life beyond SNL.)

My take is that it was damning to Ailes first, then Fox, and sharply critical of Trump but not in a painful way. Most of it is shruggable.

The above shot was me during the ending credits.

Women! Whatcha gonna do?


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Fox isn't news, posted on December 28, 2019 at 16:39:33

Posts: 1814
Joined: January 24, 2000
It is entertainment. They don't maintain reporting offices all over the world like other networks. Their stories and reporting are reduced to easily digestible sound bytes. Their scripts could benefit from better copy editing. Many of their anchors are encouraged to use colloquial speech patterns such as dropping final syllables to sound like midwestern blue collar workers.

What passes for news is actually talk and commentary -about- the news.

That said, they do often present view points that are missing from many other outlets.

Are they conservative ? Debatable.
Are they to the right of their (left leaning) competition ? Definitely.

Info-Tainment is probably the best way to describe FOX.


Apparently my humor is lost on . . ., posted on January 3, 2020 at 08:26:09
Billy Wonka

Posts: 3771
Joined: April 25, 2013
October 15, 2013
most people here. My viewer impressions were fair and balanced with Brittany Baby thrown in as the stereotypical Fox devotee. (I do not have cable and don't see Fox, MSNBC, or CNN.)

I never intended for this to be a tee off for Fox detractors outside the limits of the film.

The film does make it quite clear that Fox is about entertainment.


RE: Leave Fox News Aloooooone . . . ., posted on December 22, 2019 at 08:02:52
beach cruiser

Posts: 7061
Location: so cal
Joined: September 24, 2003
I never was a big fan of hate radio, although when I first heard it, I went for the super Patriot angle, that everyone else was all jacked up, somehow they just didn't get it..

Then I got it, it was just a bunch of shrimp dicks so afraid of life , desperately needing security, blaming others as the cause of their unhappiness and seeking retribution for the supposed harm they get from those they can't help but demonize gives them security. nobody messes with the angry self righteous guy.

BY the time hate radio hit TV, I was well past being sucker enough to let a professional shill try to trigger my emotions for his benefit, not mine. I am not a tool for others to throw away once they use me to achieve their ends.., and I am no longer useful to them. That Ayn rand crap about greed and self before anything else as the way to gonthrough life, is not for me.

I just look at their pitiful attempts at humor on fox, to easily see what's up, and how somehow they can't get along without bumper music from artists whom they would condemn ,just for the way they think. I don't go for thought police, no way no how. Some people need a strong male role model to follow, it's a funny thing. Fox exploits those souls, just like scratching a dogs side to make the leg twitch.

Oh. did you like Fox News when you posted to leave it alone. oops, sorry, you were probably offended if you dig that kind of programming.

I was toying with going to this movie, but Fox News is a depressing subject, how it has divided America for money. And I already learned from John Lennon , long ago,t as he sang In his song, that women are the niggers of the world. I will probably wait for a comedy, although what's her name is interesting to me, I like to follow her work ever since her mad max role.. I don't go see the films, just think she has skills .


Sorry you haven't seen it . . . , posted on December 22, 2019 at 16:07:10
Billy Wonka

Posts: 3771
Joined: April 25, 2013
October 15, 2013
You will love it. Orange Man Bad, Fox News Bad.

Relax, try not to get too triggered before you see it.


Give me time, posted on December 25, 2019 at 16:31:51
beach cruiser

Posts: 7061
Location: so cal
Joined: September 24, 2003
I might go see it, as I understand it, the film is one of the strongest films out, and I enjoy a seniors discount, along with a good film.

I hit the movies as a regular source of entertainment. I expected the film to be in bigger release, I guess Star Wars limits the available screens , it is not playing locally at the mall style places.

I wish I had better communication skills, I am not really a fire breathing do it my way guy, I know better than to get torqued up about how the world plays out, feeling any distraction from the true joys of life is neglecting the worth of the gift of life given to me. I am not careless in choice, but given the choice of how to live, happy has a lot of advantages over pissed off .

Getting red in the face over some concepts held by a guy with different values , like multiple plans for lethal defense as he travels through daily life, is not where I seek to be. Too use an extreme, but easy to find lately, example

The deal is, like many guys my age, my dad fought in WW2, so patriotism and war were a big part of my childhood. Later, as I traveled the world , I developed a deeper context of how good I have it as an American.

I just resent those guys that jump at every chance to play the victim, and the normal ebbs and flows of life leave them butt hurt, and looking for someone to blame. The need for retribution is , whups, there I go again.

I learned long ago to not waste time trying to change grown adults thoughts. I do get worked up as democracy and decency are set aside, probably more so than some because my father risked his life fighting the concepts now embraced publicly from , our mostly republication party, leaders


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