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'I Killed JFK': Who really dunnit?

Posted on May 31, 2017 at 19:57:57
Billy Wonka

Posts: 3772
Joined: April 25, 2013
October 15, 2013
I thought it was the Frenchman from Marseilles? Newp. How about LBJ? Not the trigger guy. LHO? Just a big old patsy.

This "documentary" was assembled consisting of interview outtakes of a convicted killer named James Files. In '93 he started talking (while in prison) while seeking immunity from the state of Texas to let everyone know his shot from the grassy knoll is the one that put JFK away. Files was associated with the Chicago Mob and the CIA and drew backup shooter duty on that fateful day. He claims JFK was hit two times and his shot hit the right side of his head just inside the hairline dislodging the skull piece. Files is still in prison serving 50 years for another crime.

Files confessed that LHO never fired a shot and was there as a patsy. LHO's lover said Lee thought he was there as part of a CIA Abort Team to stop the assassination because there had been a change of plans. That is the way they kept him in place in the depository.

The first part of the film is an actual mini-doc with Files on camera telling of his actions that fateful day. Then, there was a panel of five "experts" on the assassination who discussed the various nuances of what they thought had happened. LBJ's name was mentioned as if it was a foregone conclusion.

Was this for real? Well, most of the panelists thought so otherwise, they wouldn't have been panelists, si?

One night only and I took the bullet so you wouldn't have to.


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RE: 'I Killed JFK': Who really dunnit?, posted on May 31, 2017 at 21:19:08

Posts: 15550
Location: Alabama
Joined: September 11, 2010
Given the climate of both the media and journalists, in general, we will never know the "truth". The one thing to learn about government, the entity, wrote the book on cover-up(s).


RE: 'I Killed JFK': Who really dunnit?, posted on June 1, 2017 at 03:21:40
A guy named John "Handsome" Roseli claimed to have been the shooter from a strategically located manhole. Roseli was a mob hit man who was later found floating in a 55 gallon steel drum in Dumbfoundling Bay near Miami. Apparently Roseli was also apparently recruited (unwittingly) by the CIA for the ill fated Bay of Pigs invasion to overthrow Castro.


RE: 'I Killed JFK': Who really dunnit?, posted on June 1, 2017 at 06:42:56

Posts: 9666
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Having been to Dealey Plaza many, many times, and having stood in the very window from which LHO fired, I have absolutely NO problem believing that LHO was the lone assassin. From that vantage point anyone could have pulled it off. It is/was that easy of shot - no kidding. The question that will likely never be answered is whether or not he acted alone. I suspect not. I've walked the scene, stood on the grassy knoll, walked behind the fence and surveyed the rail yard, looked into the storm drain and I fail to see how any of those multiple gunmen stories are even remotely plausible.


RE: 'I Killed JFK': Who really dunnit?, posted on June 1, 2017 at 08:56:42
The one single thing wrong with the lone gunman theory is that the shot to Kennedys head, the one that killed him, was obviousl fired from in front of him since the exit wound was in the back of his head not the front. You can see this clearly in thenZapuder film when Kennedys head is slammed sharply backward at that moment. So there must have been someone firing from in front of Kennedy. Period. You don't even have to get into the whole single bullet theory or how long it takes to reload and fire that particular weapon that was found with LHO. The first bullet that hit Kennedy (in the upper back/neck and which then hit Connelly) was definitely fired from behind Kennedy, however, most likely by LHO. IMHO.


RE: 'I Killed JFK': Who really dunnit?, posted on June 1, 2017 at 10:03:13

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I've heard that claim before and heard it variously explained many, many times. That piece of skull could have taken any number of trajectories as it was blasted free depending on how the flesh around it tore. The jerking backward could easily be explained as involuntary muscle contractions as the brain took a bullet. Point is there is no conclusive proof at all of another shooter. I tend to put a lot more stock in what I see with my own eyes, and the rumors of multiple gunmen are extremely difficult to accept once you've been in Dealey Plaza and walked it.


RE: 'I Killed JFK': Who really dunnit?, posted on June 1, 2017 at 10:16:52
This explanations were given witnesses called by the Waren Commission to bolster their case. The Warren Commission did not call witnesses that would testify against their case, which was to find that LHO acted alone. Involuntary muscle spasms? Are you kidding me? Take a look at the Zapuder film on YouTube. Case solved.


RE: 'I Killed JFK': Who really dunnit?, posted on June 1, 2017 at 10:39:02

Posts: 9666
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Seen the Zap film at least a hundred times, read the coroner's report probably ten times. All of it inconclusive as per the shot from the front theory. In fact, one of the attending physicians in the ER that day said the bullet entered above and behind the right ear. Have you ever been to Dealey Plaza? If you have you'll know that it is NOT the huge expansive area that you might think it is if all you've ever seen are pictures. There is virtually zero chance that multiple gunmen could have been there and not been seen. As for the 3 shots in 7 seconds, again, piece of cake. Everybody always says there's no way he could've operated the bolt and then reacquired the target in the scope three time in that span. Who says he even used the scope? If you look at the pics of his Mannlicher, the scope mount leaves the open sights on the barrel perfectly usable, and having stood in that window I am here to tell you he absolutely did not need the scope as you could've spit on Kennedy from that vantage. Believe what you will.


RE: 'I Killed JFK': Who really dunnit?, posted on June 1, 2017 at 11:29:47
I watched all of the investigations into the Kennedy assassination. Who cares if I've been to Dealey a plaza or not, which I have actually. As I already said only witnesses that confirmed or substantiated the foregone conclusion that LHO acted ALONE were interviewed and or allowed to testify. The final conclusion - in case you don't remember - of the second investigation into the assassination of JFK was that there PROBABLY WAS more than one shooter. You can disregard everything else since it was ORCHESTRATED by the Goverment/Warren Commission. Kennedys brains were splattered all over the back of the limo he was riding in when the shot from the front blew them out of the back of his head.

"Believe what you want to believe."

I will.


Since when are exit wounds pinholes and entry wounds , posted on June 1, 2017 at 14:01:33
Road Warrior

Posts: 21654
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Joined: August 31, 2004
create massive carnage? The wound on the back of the skull was 6x15mm. The wound on the front of his skull was massive (duhhh) and is obviously an exit wound. Also, 70 grains of the 160 grain bullet were recovered from the car in 2 pieces. These bullet fragments had rifling marks on them that were matched to Oswald's rifle. All the physical evidence shows a shot from behind JFK. None support a shot from the front. Remember the old adage, science doesn't care what you believe. It just is...

JUST an FYI if you haven't been to Dealy Plaza, the fence at the grassy knoll has a freeking parking lot behind it. Not exactly where a professional assassin would be set up eh? On a day where people were lined up on the streets, coming in and out of the lot........

"E Burres Stigano?"


RE: Since when are exit wounds pinholes and entry wounds , posted on June 1, 2017 at 14:08:49
I never said anything about the grassy knoll. That's just a red herring. You know, as if you can't prove it came from the grassy knowledge it must have been LHO. Duh! The frontal shot could have come from anywhere but not from the book depository, not from behind the limousine. And not from LHO. If you think the exit wound was in the front of Kennedy's head you obviously never saw the autopsy photos or read the eye witness accounts. One of you naysayers says it was near his ear the other says it was in his forehead. Even the naysayers can't agree on the facts. You swallowed the whole Warren Commission lie lock stock and barrel. The entire thing was ORCHESTRATED. Duh! As I recall they initially doctored the Zaputer film - - few frames at the moment Kennedy was shot in the head - to make it appear that his head slammed forward, to give credence to the lone gunman theory, the theory they forced down your throat.


I've seen the entry wound, I could maybe fit my index finger in it. Clear as a bell. I have no wish to argue, posted on June 1, 2017 at 14:41:07
Road Warrior

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I'll accept the science and you can, obviously, believe what you want to believe. Have a good day.

"E Burres Stigano?"


Agreed. First shot occurred at time point 0, posted on June 1, 2017 at 14:47:06
Road Warrior

Posts: 21654
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Joined: August 31, 2004
That means he had 7 seconds to reset, get off shot 2, reset and get off shot 3. No bfd. PBS did an exhaustive documentary about all those silly conspiracy theories decades ago and shot em all to Hell and back with forensic science. But believers are gonna believe what they want regardless of the science. I notice Kaitt had zero to say about the bullet fragments found in the car matching the gun Oswald used, lol.

"E Burres Stigano?"


RE: I've seen the entry wound, I could maybe fit my index finger in it. Clear as a bell. I have no wish to argue, posted on June 1, 2017 at 14:58:20
Again with the "believe what you want to believe." Unbelievable. There is no agreement on the head wounds so you can stop pretending you know and nobody else does. The Zapuder film incontrovertibly shows the head shot was from the front and the brains all over the back of the limo, not in front of Kennedy, supports a front shot theory. As I stated earlier Roseli claimed to have used a manhole to fire the fatal head shot from in front of the limo. Furthermore it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the fatal shot could very easily have been fired from INSIDE a vehicle, such as a police vehicle - as in the DC sniper case here 15 years ago. Hel-loo! If it was a conspiracy they would have been careful to triangulate the shooting rather than take chances.


RE: Agreed. First shot occurred at time point 0, posted on June 1, 2017 at 15:02:55
I actually said I believed LHO could have fired the shot that struck both Kennedy and Connelly. But not the fatal head shot. Try to keep up.


Head shot bullet fragments found in car, ballistic analysis proved it came from Oswald's rifle, posted on June 1, 2017 at 18:08:55
Road Warrior

Posts: 21654
Location: Dallas
Joined: August 31, 2004
That's science for ya.

Talk about not keeping up, this is the third time I said it, lol. Surely there's a better conspiracy for you to latch on to?
I'm done with ya, have a great night sir.

"E Burres Stigano?"


The head shot couldn't have come from LHO. , posted on June 1, 2017 at 20:51:24
I don't believe anything the Warren Commision says. The Warren Commision was a total miscarriage of science and logic. Besides the final conclusion of the second senate inquiry was that there probably was more than one shooter. I rest my case.


Files claims he aimed for JFK's right eye . . ., posted on June 2, 2017 at 14:11:14
Billy Wonka

Posts: 3772
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October 15, 2013
and hit just into the hairline. He used, oddly, an experimental pistol called a "Fireball". It looks like a hunting or target shooting gun with a nice scope on top. He carried the pistol in a briefcase and walked away unnoticed in the commotion. The pistol used .222 (not .223) ammo.

I'll be dead when they finally release the confidential evidence on the case.


True, the commison decided there was "most likely" more than one shooter . . ., posted on June 2, 2017 at 14:17:20
Billy Wonka

Posts: 3772
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October 15, 2013
This documentary also showed that there is no way a bullet could pierce so much flesh and bone and remain anywhere near pristine. They shot up pigs and a cadaver in the process.


The Magic Bullet theory is only one reason to ignore the Warren Commision Report. Nt, posted on June 2, 2017 at 14:35:32


Breaking News!! The mafia connection..., posted on June 2, 2017 at 15:05:16
From somewhere in cyberspace. I have not fact checked this info. :-)

James E. Files

CIA operative and mafia hitman. He claims he fired the fatal headshot at JFK from behind the picket fence on the grassy knoll. Identifies Chicago mobsters/CIA operatives Charles Nicoletti and Johnny Roselli as the other members of his "hitteam". Nicoletti was with Roselli and fired from the Daltex building opposite of the Texas School Book Depository. James Files was Nicoletti's protegé, driver and bodyguard. Files was asked to serve as the backup shooter, in case Nicoletti would not kill JFK. Originally he had only been ordered to drive weapons to Dallas, testfire them and check out escape routes from Dealey Plaza. Files states that Roselli was afraid to shoot as he had come to Dallas with last minute instructions from the CIA to abort the assassination.

Files claims the contract to kill JFK came from Chicago crime bosses Tony Accardo and Sam Giancana. Giancana was a prime target of Robert Kennedy's campaign against organized crime . He felt deeply doublecrossed by the Kennedy's after he had rigged votes in Illinois, securing JFK 's election to the presidency. Giancana had ample documented dealings with the CIA, and was one of the key figures in the foiled CIA/Mafia plots to assassinate Fidel Castro. Files says Giancana could not have engineered the assassination on his own, let alone the subsequent cover-up. He also implicates the CIA, particularly his CIA controller David Atlee Phillips, who sent Lee Harvey Oswald to Files' motel to show Files the area. Files spent time with Lee Harvey Oswald the week prior to the assassination. He says Lee Harvey Oswald did not fire a shot. Files met with Roselli and Nicoletti on the early morning of the assassination but does not know how they arrived in Dallas. Giancana, Roselli and Nicoletti were murdered in the 1970's shortly before they had had been scheduled to testify for a government commitee investigating the assassination of JFK.

Files further claims he left the shell casing of the bullet he fired on Dealey Plaza after he had bitten down on it. This was a habit of him for he liked the feel of a warm bullet and the taste of gun powder. In 1987 a .222 caliber shell casing was found with a metal detector on the grassy knoll, buried 3 inches in the ground. When Files was informed of this, he said that if it was his shell, the open end would be oval for he had put his teeth in it. As the casing had indeed an indentation of which nobody had known the cause, the casing was then examined by noted orthodontologists who verified that the indent had been caused by human teeth.


Cool! Oliver Stone no doubt will start working on JKFII... N/T, posted on June 3, 2017 at 21:29:17

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"Once this was all Black Plasma and Imagination"-Michael McClure


Jesse Ventura checks in on the JFK assassination..., posted on June 5, 2017 at 16:58:44


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