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What, no 'I, Tonya'?

Posted on February 9, 2018 at 13:05:34
Billy Wonka

Posts: 3772
Joined: April 25, 2013
October 15, 2013
The script and editing are stars of the show. Whoops, there is Allison Janney as well. Let's face it, Robbie is too damned good looking to be Harding and it was distracting. But, Janney shined as the malevolent, evil mom who is so over-the-top that you can't wait to see her in her next scene. She conveyed that fine line between psycho and comedian and should give a big run for the gold.

It seems everybody was bopping the hell out of Tonya as she grew up. Janney was pounding on her then her meek, mild husband got in on the action as soon as they were married. His behavior was incongruent with his violence and, typically, they would part and come back together for another round.

The Kerrigan incident (supposedly) was dreamed up by her husband's doofus friend without Tonya being completely aware of what was going down. In theory, his actions were NOT sanctioned by Tonya or her husband. So history goes.

This is a funny and somewhat melodramatic look at the poor girl who never had a chance. The script and editing were outstanding with all the meaningful flashbacks that occurred. One thing, it's good to NOT be Tonya Harding.


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RE: What, no 'I, Tonya'?, posted on March 14, 2018 at 02:51:04
Dr Phibes

Posts: 195
Location: Brooklyn
Joined: September 7, 2008
I just saw "I, Tonya". I thought it was an exceptional film. Much, much better then I expected.

I was expecting something like "Battle of the Sexes", a film I considered mediocre and forgettable, and instead saw a film more like "To Die For" (Nicole Kidman- Gus Van Sant 1995)

I never followed the scandal, but based on the little I knew, I assumed Tonya was a pathological *itch - end of story. But I found her character, and her personal relationships complex- and sad. Heartbreaking.

Billy Wonka- "Robbie is too damned good looking to be Harding and it was distracting"

I hear you- ha ha - But Robbie did a terrific job. Her outstanding performance downplayed her natural beauty. But it's difficult to push Harley Quinn etc out of one's brain...

Have a great day!


According to..., posted on February 10, 2018 at 10:03:28

Posts: 38130
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...friends who saw it - I have not seen it yet - Tonya was a pretty amazing skater, from the trailer park to winning the Nationals, and is somewhat underappreciated since the incident with Kerrigan is the only thing people remember about her.


RE: According to..., posted on February 13, 2018 at 20:56:58
Mike B.

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September 1, 1999
I remember her mother taking her to the Lloyd Center in Portland to skate on the public ice rink. I suppose there was a similar pressure than the Williams sisters had from their father?


This film gives you an idea of how hard her life was . . ., posted on February 10, 2018 at 10:42:50
Billy Wonka

Posts: 3772
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October 15, 2013
there may be exaggerations but Janney was mother enough to kill all of us.


In real life, Tonya's mom was even more wacko than shown in the film ., posted on February 21, 2018 at 20:08:39

Posts: 1930
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A truly realistic portrayal of Sandy Golden would have been over the top even in this film! You get just a little taste of it in the credits/epilogue sequence.

I never met her. But I figure skated for a number of years and a couple skating friends knew Tonya and mom Sandy fairly well. They never had a good thing to say about Tonya's ex.


RE: the question remains..., posted on February 9, 2018 at 15:47:08
...why would anyone be interested in learning anything about Tonya Harding?

All during the original controversy which dominated local news in the Portland, Oregon area for a month or two, the entire story took on the tone and tenor of hill-billy trailer trash in self-destruct mode. So why should we care or bother to watch the movie?

I'm guessing there are no redeeming qualities to be found here. Or am I wrong?


your guess is very wrong. , posted on February 14, 2018 at 03:07:07
beach cruiser

Posts: 7063
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Joined: September 24, 2003
I also skip movies with subjects I don't care for, but you are wrong to say there is nothing to see here.

This is a very good movie with a famous tale to tell in a unique way, a concept that works to renew and increase the interest. Everyone already has an opinion on the subject, and it starts from there, supporting and contradicting the same tale.

I don't get the post objecting to the lead actors looks, it certainly didn't cross my mind. I thought she was incredibly effective in the role , adding a lot to the movie with her talent in playing the role so believably.


RE: yet you answer the question posed...thank you very much, posted on February 14, 2018 at 11:49:08
"I also skip movies with subjects I don't care for, but you are wrong to say there is nothing to see here.

This is a very good movie with a famous tale to tell in a unique way, a concept that works to renew and increase the interest. Everyone already has an opinion on the subject, and it starts from there, supporting and contradicting the same tale.

I don't get the post objecting to the lead actors looks, it certainly didn't cross my mind. I thought she was incredibly effective in the role , adding a lot to the movie with her talent in playing the role so believably. "

re: post about lead actor's looks. Not posed by myself. Although nobody on the planet can match Margot Robbie's screen presence. It is to be expected coming from a Hollywood production that everything is enhanced to present the viewer with an enticing image.

If my guess is wrong, that's great. Perhaps by posting what I did I added insult to injuries already suffered by all parties involved in the original scandal. Although these are not new insults. No apologies offered.

Perhaps I'll give it a viewing sooner than I previously suggested. Thanks to yours and others suggestion there might be something worth watching here. That said I admit that I was never much of a fan for figure skating. It is too much like Ballet, of which I am also not a fan. But I should not allow that to cause any prejudgement on my part.



no figure skating fan, posted on February 14, 2018 at 13:31:42
beach cruiser

Posts: 7063
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Joined: September 24, 2003
The movie is about multiple versions of events, not figure skating, it doesn't even try for the truth, just tells stories There are no rocky montages of struggle and cheering victory, just some skating to advance the story.

While I don't feature ballet in my social calendar, it is not that bad. Over quickly, seemingly, it is kind of like hockey, you need to see it in person to be worth watching.


IMO, because another question still remains unanswered., posted on February 10, 2018 at 09:06:06

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January 7, 2005
How could anyone do such a thing? I don't think that has ever been comprehended.


RE: IMO, because another question still remains unanswered., posted on February 10, 2018 at 11:29:52
"How could anyone do such a thing? I don't think that has ever been comprehended."

I suppose the movie should answer that question in sharp detail. Inquiring minds want to know and that sort of thing.

Perhaps some time when the movie is out on cable in the free to watch between commercials sector, I might take a view of it. And then I can learn all about the family dysfunction associated with all the players in this little drama about figure skaters that would compete, miserably, for the top prize.



in the movie they blame a delusional third party, who knows, basically everyone portrayed is a liar., posted on February 10, 2018 at 10:50:33

Posts: 2826
Joined: January 20, 2002
Margo Robbie is a good ice skater she did a lot of what was used in the movie (according to espn)

one of the few bright spots...


Tonya received some sort of . . . , posted on February 10, 2018 at 10:44:26
Billy Wonka

Posts: 3772
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October 15, 2013
anonymous threat before a competition and automatically presume it came from her #1 competitor, Kerrigan. At one time they were both buddies.


RE: the question remains..., posted on February 10, 2018 at 05:13:41
Jack G

Posts: 9741
Joined: September 24, 1999
I have to agree. Living through the original event was one time too many for me. Just typing about it makes me want to take a shower.


RE: the hill-billy trailer trash thing loomed largely and it was gloomy for me, fwiw, nt, posted on February 9, 2018 at 20:46:32

Posts: 2826
Joined: January 20, 2002


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