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Boy, this page needs some action! How about favorite LDs & DVDs?

Posted on March 5, 1999 at 10:12:58

My favorite movies/videos on DVD are Starship Troopers, L.A. Confidential, Winsor McCay Animation Legend, and John Fogerty "Premonition", and Blade. Kind of a broad field, and just getting started (I own under two dozen titles).

Laser discs: I have a fairly large collection including lots of music video imports (concerts, predominently classic rock). Here are some widely varied faves:

Movies (many guilty pleasures) --- The Black Pirate (Douglas Fairbanks Sr.) early silent technocolor [1926], Greed (silent/Von Stroheim), about a dozen Republic serials (Dick Tracy's G-Men & vs Crime Inc., King of the Rocketmen, Manhunt on Mystery Island, Capt. Marvel, etc.), the Nightmare Before Christmas CAV boxed set, the Abyss (dir. cut), the Wild Bunch (dir. cut), Hard Days Night (MPI version/Beatles), Jurassic Park/Lost World (Spielburg), True Lies & Eraser (Schwarzenegger), Prisoner/X-Files/Fugitive TV episodes, Heavy Metal/Toy Story (animation), and City of Lost Children (foreign).

Music Video (import) --- Free (tribute to Paul Kossoff), Message to Love/Isle of Wight (w/extra performances not avail. on dom.), the Who (at the Isle of Wight), Jimi Hendrix (Woodstock, Atlanta Pop Fest., Isle of Wight, & Alive from Rainbow Bridge), Yes (An Evening of Yes Music Plus..., Live in Philly, Keys to Ascension), Cream (Fresh Live Cream), ELP (Pictures in an Exhibition --- complete), and Pink Floyd (Live in London , '66/'67)

Any random thoughts? How about your collections? (no flames, please)



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rent or collect?, posted on March 6, 1999 at 17:58:39
My local video store (LaserVisions in Carmel, CA) now rents dvd's for $2.99 for a two day period.

I find that I seldom watch a movies more than once or twice, but have started to collect my favorites--movie musicals and concert dvds. I can watch these (actually Listen to these) over and over. I, too, have just started to gather them from the very inexpensive dvd sites. I've already gotten three free $20 coupons from and use their price matching offer with the many $5 and $10 coupons available for their site.
In all, about two dozen including Riverdance, James Taylor, Woodstock, Evita est al.

Unfortuately, my new Toshiba 3109 won't be delivered until the end of the month. But the dvd's look good on the bookshelf. I'll be renting a player this week to have a sneak peak.


Re: Boy, this page needs some action! How about favorite LDs & DVDs?, posted on March 6, 1999 at 08:08:01
You know Auydy, Maybe it's wanting to get back to the basics, or age, or the ability to let my mind drift off for hours at a time, but I seem to be finding myself enjoying staring at the test pattern on my screen.
Every Christmas eve and day, a local station would just show a log burning in a fireplace, I should have taped it.



ROTFL! They sell those, you know., posted on March 6, 1999 at 10:29:20
You can buy fireplace tapes, fish in aquarium tapes, etc., etc.

Someday I'll probably be rockin' out in a chair specifically designed for that purpose. ;-) Sigh! We're all subject to the eternal clock I guess.


* Boring *, posted on March 5, 1999 at 14:46:46
AudioDoofus, NOBODY CARES what movies you like or dislike... the topic is inane.

If you want to contribute something, at least make it *relevant* to the needs of others, like "Here are some DVDs with audiophile sound as well as a great performance for you to consider."

I'm looking forward to your usual long-winded, smiley-face-filled rebuttal.


The collection or a non-collector, posted on March 5, 1999 at 13:55:15
Rod M
All Disney and Barney stuff for the kids. You know, Peter Pan and the lot.

We probably rent videos once or twice a week, but it's usually new stuff that we didn't go to the theater to see. I don't know, I just never got into watching movies more than once though I will sometimes watch a movie on the tube that I have seen. But it has to have been long enough that I've kind of forgotten the exact story so I can be surprised a little at least.

Well that's my 2 %^#^&&*((^^^, darn Stephen, where is that cents sign!


2¢ ...2¢ ...2¢ ...2¢ ...2¢ ...2¢ ...2¢ ..., posted on March 19, 1999 at 13:17:32
Try option (or some other modifier) and the $ key.


little bear and construction equiptment, posted on March 13, 1999 at 12:36:20
I don't have control over the ...(ok, you don't remember the outer limits) but my kids have total control of the audio/video in our house. I would love to have kid videos with a sap that has real music. How many of us have had first exposure to the "war horses" from the warner/bugs bunny cartoons: "kill the wabbit"..., "it's Leopold", ...etc."

I was writing Steve McCormack that the break-in on his Revision A mod of my DNA 0.5 was done watching Barney for about 2 months. Let me say, the dymamic range was not overstressed, but I was.

What's all this talk about >we go to the theater to see< What kind of parent would take their kids to learn such manners? RE: the seignfeld episode where george does the opposite: tells the movie talkers to shut-up! I would pay to see that in real life. I would pay bigtime for that!

On the other hand, We went to see Casablanca on it's rerelease down at the 'artcinema", an airline affair of about 35 seats. At the first critical point in the film, a few folks recited the line perfectly. Soon we all were doing it. It was the best film experience i've ever had. We want tuna that has good taste.


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