Video Asylum

Your points are well taken

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The capacity issue, I believe, is being outright ignored by otherwise intelligent people. I find this absolutely unfathomable, and that's why I hammer it so often. You say you get the message, but I remain skeptical.

As you've noticed, I'm not averse to personal attacks, but I ONLY levy them when I'm attacked first. Denizens who call me a fanboy don't deserve to be treated with respect. A fanboy is someone who has an illogical fetish for something. My adoption of blu-ray was the result of research; logical reasons. And only two of my 17 components are Sonys, contrary to Auph's insinuation that all the gear on my shelves is from Sony.

As for hijacking the forum, I'll admit to having hurt the signal to noise ratio, but I've never, ever discouraged anyone from posting questions.

"I have found that if you love life, life will love you back." -Arthur Rubinstein (1887-1982)

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