Video Asylum

There *could* be other differences

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But I think we have to consider that the primary features people would really get on, the audio and video "processing" hardware, is the same in both models (based on their inspection). Any differences would then be mainly operational functionality adjusted by FW. Oppo themselves have said that many other attributes people might like cannot be offered because the chip sets are a limiting factor, not firmware. By "processing" I am including the analog output stages, anything that directly affects what we see/hear after taken from the disc.

If somebody asked me for an opinion on which model to buy, Lex or Oppo, and I said the Oppo, I would not think the person the slightest bit "stupid" if they bought the Lex instead. That is assuming $3.5k to them is about as financially "significant" as $500 is to me. There are plenty of people in that situation. It's nicer looking (opinion) and more exclusive and has a nice name and what the hell...

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