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'Tricky Dick' was a well-done documentary on CNN

Posted on April 22, 2019 at 08:35:35
Jay Buridan

Posts: 10547
Location: Michigan
Joined: January 21, 2004

He probably won the election in 1960, but votes were stolen in Illinois. The documentary doesn't mention that -- it says he lost because of his performance in the televised debate.

"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people. "
― W.C. Fields


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RE: 'Tricky Dick' was a well-done documentary on CNN, posted on April 23, 2019 at 08:43:26

Posts: 4462
Location: SF Bay
Joined: August 16, 2001
It was the 'original October Surprise' when he went around Johnson and talked w/ the N. Viet Cong - to prevent a cease fire/cessation that cooked his goose for me-

But Johnson did not prosecute-

the whole thing is bankrupt....
Happy Listening


RE: 'Tricky Dick' was a well-done documentary on CNN, posted on May 1, 2019 at 08:21:19

Posts: 3913
Location: Baton Rouge
Joined: December 23, 1999
Ken Burns' documentary on Vietnam showed a phone call that LBJ took from Nixon, assuring him that he didn't do a thing to interfere in negotiations with North Vietnam. Nixon was lying through his crooked teeth and Johnson knew it. But LBJ just said something like,"Well, I am happy to hear that, Dick, because there have been some serious accusations going around."


RE: 'Tricky Dick' was a well-done documentary on CNN, posted on April 22, 2019 at 22:51:02

Posts: 81
Location: Tokyo
Joined: August 18, 2017
I thought we didn't have Nixon to kick around anymore... used to think he was the Worst back-in-the-day but recently he doesn't look too bad



RE: 'Tricky Dick' was a well-done documentary on CNN, posted on May 9, 2019 at 16:33:13

Posts: 1023
Joined: October 18, 2001

Comment of the week!
So true.

I was 23 when Tricky Dick waved goodbye from the helicopter door.


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