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Thirteen years between sequels is nuts.

Only Cameron could be bankrolled to do this. Continuity and fan appeal are considered lost by the industry. Actors age like the rest of us. So why?

It wasn't all the pandemic.

The delay either caused the sequel's story to be based on Sully's kids, or Sully's kids required a time delay. Cameron talked about this as a franchise as far back as 2006. He wanted scripts in place to film sequels all the way out to number 5 or 6, based on the kids, before starting to film number two. And number 3 and part of 4 are already shot. Number three to be released in 2024.

Another reason -- and as good as the CGI was in the first film -- Cameron needed filming technology to catch up to his vision of an underwater world.

And, as obvious as it is, Cameron doesn't give a rat's butt about the business end of these things. Vision is vision. Get out of the way.

Edits: 01/04/23

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