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'Touching the Void'

I finally found another copy of one of this movie, one of my faves, based on the book of the same name that describes a 1985 mountain climb in Peru done by two young Brits.. During the descent, in a highly precarious situation, one climber must cut the rope suspending the other, and the second climber falls hundreds of feet into a very deep chasm and after several daysis given up for dead.. What I finally found again (for about $50!) was a Blu-ray disc, but it turned out to be a Region B disc that my Oppo player could not play.. A month or so later I helped my goodbuddy/fellowaudiofool/BFfL buy a new Panasonic 4K Blu-ray player that plays region A, B, and C Blu-ray discs, and--lucky me!--B&H had a used one that I bought.. I found the disc, watched it, and was amazed again at the story it tells.

I HIGHLY recommend this movie.. Beg, borrow, or steal it (as they say), download it, etc., but see it; you won't be disappointed.

And the Panasonic DP-UB9000 plays movies very well, but it does NOT play SACDs, so I now have two universal discplayers in my system.

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Topic - 'Touching the Void' - jeffreybehr 20:39:17 01/14/23 (3)


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