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RE: Yup - it ranks high on the "Meh" scale for me (and Ms. CfL too) [nt]

I would think there was much more to their relationship
(and to them) than that insipid movie portrayed.

Also felt we were watching Michael Imperioli (with REAL nose)
as Bernstein (with added snobby nasal congestion) through
about 30% of the movie. Not that that wouldn't have been
an improvement.

And, the music? Major Meh, even in minor keys.

"Once this was all Black Plasma and Imagination"-Michael McClure

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  • RE: Yup - it ranks high on the "Meh" scale for me (and Ms. CfL too) [nt] - musetap 11:52:01 12/24/23 (0)


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