Video Asylum

RE: Ok, lets evaluate your "point", but first let's look at Paramount's agenda

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>> I didn't say it was scientific. <<

True, but you are constantly asking for "proof" from me while relying on specious evidence to support your own position.

>> You implied if studios used different codecs/transfers for the different formats, BD would look better. <<

Kind of, but what I said was that HD DVD content is more or less ported over to produce the BD content from studios dabbling in both formats. Or did you think Paramount was going back to the source material, breaking out the film and redigitizing it to produce both codecs. What makes you think they're different transfers?

>> I gave examples of that not being the case. <<

Not really. It's obviously sourced from the same transfer. You can't point to Paramount as a company that we can rely upon to see the advantages of Blu-ray. Not if you expect to be taken seriously, at any rate.

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