Video Asylum

modus operandi = mode of operation; it isn't about your selling the same snake oil...

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... as mtrycrafts, it's about HOW you sell it. Face it dude, you and he have similar styles and you both push your biases relentlessly.

>>> "I don't care if you support blu-ray or not." <<<

Folks, get out of the way of his nose, that snorter should be growing like a Chia-pet.

>>> "I do care if you pretend capacity and audio are not important characteristics and try to lie about price being your most important concern after you pretty much already admitted it." <<<

Never said price wasn't a factor, but it was N-E-V-E-R my first consideration. I don't give a rat's patootie what you think, but for those who haven't kept pace with this ongoing debate it's always been films of interest which come first and foremost, at least with me.

As for capacity and audio, the issues of capacity and lossless audio will be resolved just like they were with standard format DVD. The fact that Blu-ray has greater capacity isn't important as far as viewing movies in high definition unless there are observable differences between the two formats with Blu-ray appearing noticeably better or the space is utilized for enhanced content of interest to consumers.

>>> "...ZS isn't a detail oriented person..." <<<

True, but like you he's a single-minded cheer-leader and devoted fan-boy for his format of choice.

>>> "I've already told you, if HD DVD had greater capacity, that's the format I would have adopted." <<<

Fine, I'm glad that you enjoy Blu-ray, and I've never criticized you for your choice. My issue with your attitude is that you leave no room for others choosing HD-DVD for the reasons that the select that format, not to mention the fact that some of us get tired of looking at blue pom-poms all day long! ;O)

The bottom line: You either accuse folks of being foolish because they don't share your capacity concerns, or accuse them of being cheap because they consider price and value or you call them liars when they tell you that their favorite movies are offered only on HD-DVD, and that there aren't enough films of interest being released on Blu-ray.

>>> "...whereas your decision to adopt HD DVD can't be explained by logic. You're the format fanboy and I'm merely an advocate for choosing greater capacity..." <<<

I'm not going to call you a liar, but you've condemned yourself by your own words. Please don't bring advocacy down to your fan-boy level, because advocacy implies intelligent, rational discourse and acceptance of the possibility that things may not be as black and white as you'd like them to be.

I've stated many times that I don't have a dog in this hunt and discuss both formats fairly even though HD-DVD is the only format in our home currently, but you've been waving your tattered chartreuse pom-poms with prissy abandon for months around here (before this format war is over I'll wager that you'll have racheted things up to flaunting a feather boa! -grin).

Note: While price wasn't a major factor with my selecting HD-DVD, the discrepancy in price between HD-DVD & Blu-ray hardware could be a factor when it comes to return on investment (bang for buck), but I am still considering a dual format player at some point if it handles both formats efficiently enough.

>>> "...Michael Bay and Stephen Spielberg..." <<<

LOL! Need I say more? Okay, I will! Karnac the Magnificent question: "Who directs movies as deep as a kiddie pool and as flawless as paste jewelry?"

BTW, I've read Bay's comments linked from that site, and you should read some of the responses. Rodney Dangerfield would've felt respected after reading those posts. ;^D


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