Video Asylum

RE: new to forum, what's up?

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It boils down to there being two rabid format cheerleaders who precipitate all the shouting. Without them, it would be pretty quiet here - it was a pretty slow forum before Jazz Inmate visited Sony with Jerome and got indoctrinated into the Blu Cult, and Ole apparently decided that Blu was his new meal ticket. :-)

>>just a suggestion from a new lurker, it could have it's own forum for those that feel the need.<<

This _is_ that forum :-)

Seriously, it's better that it's here. Ole has tried to push his agenda in other Asylum forums, and I believe he was politely asked to keep it here. Others have attempted to crank up the HD vs Blu war in Digital, Hi-rez, and DVD-Audio, but have all been bounced back here. The funniest part was when the fan-boys tried to justify hijacking the DVD-Audio forum, claiming that HD and Blu are really audio formats, because you can turn off your TV and just listen to the soundtrack if you want. Yes - they really did try that as a justification! :-)

Edits: 12/06/07

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