Video Asylum

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(speaking of HD DVD and Blu-Ray, not HDTV itself, whose future is pretty much assured by government mandate)

Have you never taken a chance on something with an iffy or nebulous future, simply because it looked interesting? The future doesn't come with a money-back guarantee.

Fellini in high-def may not be a reality yet, and there's nary a Fritz Lang movie to be found, but IMO, there are still worthwhile movies to be seen:

Being John Malkovich
Stranger Than Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
Lost In Translation
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
The Big Lebowski
12 Monkeys

Casablanca was a bit of a shock because the movie looks like it was made yesterday, and it got me to thinking that I was seeing it like it maybe hasn't been seen since it was new.

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