Video Asylum

Sorry tiger, your stripes won't come off that easily.

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>>> "First of all, let's dispel your oft-repeated line that you have no dog in this hunt. I don't like cliches so let's say what you really mean. You're lying about supporting blu-ray and HD DVD equally." <<<

Dispel all you want, but I don't recall ever saying anything about equal support, so you can take that accusation about lying and shove it where the blu-ray don't shine. I'm just not a single minded advocate or cheer-leader for a one format solution. BTW, leaning towards one format or the other objectively has nothing to do with outright advocacy and disinformation campaigns; that is your forte.

>>> "You don't support blu-ray at all, ..." <<<

What I don't support is Blu-ray advocacy using either industry generated propaganda or campaigns of disinformation pushing intangibles such as unused capacity and hyping lossless sound; BTW, I don't support ZS KEKL's overstated HD-DVD advocacy either.

>>> " pine about a universal player once in ever 5-10 posts, you actively attack those of us who do support blu-ray while you yourself only support HD DVD." <<<

Well, at least you noticed the fact that I have endorsed dual format players as a logical and practical solution to continuation of this ridiculous format war (I'm actually impressed that something I've stated finally sunk into that thick noggin of your's). Heh, heh, clever use of the word "pine" since all of your 'understated' support involves shoving HD-DVD into a pine box, even though it currently appears to be the format with the least glitches and greater region friendliness.

>>> "Now that we've got your "dog in this hunt" lie out of the way, are you sure you can find the HD DVD version of Song Remains the Same?" <<<

Sorry bubba, that dog is still hunting, but Rover knows the scent of a skunk when one crosses his path. This is one instance where sticking your head back up your arse might actually improve your subtlety Jazz! ;0)

BTW, the HD-DVD of Song Remains the Same was released on both formats albeit briefly; both high definition releases apparently were pulled quickly because distributors jumped the gun & after complaints came in about the Blu-ray releases 'lossless' track having drop-outs (losses? -grin). Like I said, if I want one, I'll look for the HD-DVD.

So, Jazz, are you still keeping that blue spandex leotard at the ready or what? :O)


Edits: 12/30/07

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