Video Asylum

Perceived value means "knocking their socks off"

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Audio and video quality are a big part of it, but the overall Blu-Ray experience needs to have a certain "wow" quality: Not much fun to pay $25 for a movie only to find what few bonus features it has are poorly presented, and rather than the little movie-specific booklet, just a generic leaflet extolling the virtues of Blu-Ray. It's like buying a first-class ticket but getting economy-class service. The overall buzz I've gotten to date about Blu-Ray (and HD DVD for that matter) has been positive, but not overwhelmingly so, and it's now up to the Blu-Ray camp to pick up that slack.

I'm not sure that the public as a whole wants to know about B-D Profile 1.0 vs 1.1. In fact, I thought Toshiba erred by treating HD DVD too much like a computer product and freely issuing firmware updates every couple of months. Far better that movies remain backwards-compatible with 1.0 players aside maybe for more advanced bonus content, and best to ease into that gently since some folks are still paying for their 1.0 players.

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