Video Asylum

To be fair, the HD DVD camp deserves it

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It was beyond frustrating to be told for months on end such lies as capacity doesn't matter, that PS3 sales didn't matter, that Blu-ray sales didn't matter, etc. etc. I hope the moderators over at AVS take a good hard look at how they treated the Blu-ray adopters and insiders compared to the HD DVD camp, because frankly it was inexcusable and I lost all respect for that forum. It had long ago reached the point where people were getting banned and having threads deleted for making valid observations and posting news items. does have its immature denizens, but any vehemence against HD DVD adopters is by and large well deserved. We see a little of that here with guys like Audiophilander dumbing down the dialogue.

"I have found that if you love life, life will love you back." -Arthur Rubinstein (1887-1982)

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