Video Asylum

I've got a friend who made a committment to upgrade a few months back....

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In fact, he gave away a CRT anticipation of an HDTV upgrade. He's still hemming and hawing because he hasn't seen anything he likes. He wants "CRT-like" performance only with higher (HD) resolution and he wants a bright 100+ inch screen in a non-light controlled room. Good look with that. I think there's a 100" flat panel for a mere $70,000....

Color saturation seems to be his biggest pet peeve and felt Laservue was the only technology which comes close to doing it right; except the only glimpse of a Laservue he's seen was a brief one before thea pre-production unit crapped out in the showroom and with the production issues Mitsubishi has been having.... it'll be awhile.

A 19" CRT started to crap out on me which gave me the excuse to canvas HDTVs. When I started looking, Pioneer Kuro Plasmas looked the best to me. YMMV.

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