Video Asylum

RE: Now that's interesting

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Remember it's not *me* saying this. I have only had the PS3 and Sony 350 here for longer periods.

Now, don't forget he was directly comparing in his own home on a calibrated Kuro. Some may say "this looks good" etc., and until they have seen others, it does seem pretty good. Like, I say the PS3 and 350 look "pretty good" with upscaled DVDs, in isolation. Compared to what? Non-upscaled DVDs? But in reality they are not that good, but acceptable, I have seen many that are better. It is one feature I will make sure my next BDP excels at, now that there's better gear out there and I know to value it more (thanks to BD prices not dropping as fast as I expected, in fact they seem to have gone up, and I'm not buying nearly as many as I thought I would be).

He thought the Pio 51 was MUCH better than the Panny 55 with upscaled DVD films. And slightly better than the Sony 550. He thought the Panny DVD upscaling looked too artificial, the way some people complain about BD film transfers when they've had too much DNR and all the grain is scrubbed out. Just his opinion. He had no problem with any of them for BD playback, and liked the speed of the Panny.

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