Video Asylum

Buddy just sprung for a 55" 240 Hz Samsung LED display.

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He claims it's the best TV he's seen since the (hard to find) Mitsu Laservue. At first glance, it looked terrific with a lot of 3-D "Pop". Then I started to notice that "National Museum" looked far more "cartoonish" than I remembered it. Slapped in "Deja Vu", (this time, remembered to fix the Blu-ray output to 1080p (I suspect 480p output with "National Museum" might have messed things up); okay, this looks pretty good too. Off-axis view was okay but you could see the colors weren't quite as bright sitting in the side couch off-center. Still, I was beginning to think I should have waited for this TV before I sprung for a significantly more expensive TV a couple of months back.

Went back home and looked at the same movies on the Pioneer Elite 151 Kuro. Okay, much better "presentation" on the Kuro IMHO with not nearly the "cartoonish" effects. I forgot how "satisfying" the picture was without the toooooo noticeable "pop" (and motion blur) I've seen with LCD displays.

Could be a matter of taste; buddy does not think much of the Kuros: reds "washed out" (like every other TV he's seen except the Laservue and Samsung), not bright enough and claims to see (DLP-ish?) "rainbows" (???), etc.

Still, the Samsung LED was the "least objectionable" of the non-Plasmas I've looked at. I'd like to see how it handles motion artifacts with your typical HD satellite Sports broadcast. YMMV.

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