Home Video Asylum

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RE: Computer for streaming video- what's impoirtant?

I am far from being on expert on this topic but here are my thoughts.

I would make sure the machine has an HDMI output, the best graphics processor that can be found in the lot and and the latest generation Intel or AMD processor that could be found in the lot.

With Intel, the generation can be found after the dash in the processor model. An I5-7XXX is 7th generation, and I5-8XXX is 8th generation. This is extra important if the machine is using Intel integrated graphics as the graphics performance gains from generation to generation is significant.

8GB is sufficient memory. If desired I would also make sure the machine has a wireless network card and/or confirm that it has a wired network card.

An SSD is a really nice to have if available. Unless you are planning to store large amounts of information on the drive a 128GB hard drive is sufficient though a 256GB drive is preferred.

Ideally the machine will be Windows 11 compatible if you care about security patches after October 2025.

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  • RE: Computer for streaming video- what's impoirtant? - Doublej 05:08:25 12/17/21 (1)
    • Addendum - Doublej 11:42:23 12/17/21 (0)


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