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Gave up on HT...

After having a 5.1 system Intergrated with my main 2 channel system for years, been through many processors, always making sure when I changed my preamp to find one with HT bypass if possible, having my sub do double duty.
Then dealing with all the complications the processor comes with, the none ending hdmi upgrades, now with hdmi control issues that is a pain.
All the extra cables involved , I just got tired of it all.

Most of the time I watched a movie, I just watched in 2.1 anyway, too lazy to go turn on and bother with the extra crap.
So, I ripped it all out like two months ago and don't miss it one bit.
Now I don't even need a preamp much less one with bypass. I am using my new Marantz 30n directly to my amp and the system is now simple, uncluttered and sounds great.

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Topic - Gave up on HT... - ABliss 16:01:28 01/06/22 (41)


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