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RE: Maybe Academy Awards should be cancelled some years

Kareem writes more eloquently on other topics. More detail would help.

I agree with you on Red Rocket - it's a cut above most of the films nominated but the subject matter usually kills films like this.

It's funny but when I moved into my flat here in Hong Kong - my neighbour was much like this talking about moving to HK because a gang was after him back in Australia and that he used to be a cop - well my friend is from Australia and was listening to this guy and told me his facts were all wrong that one gang wasn't even in that area of the country.

It's so odd to meet people who are perpetual liars who pump themselves up in odd ways to make themselves sound dangerous or interesting. He was a bit shakey too and a rather heavy drinker - glad he moved away.

Red Rocket isn't a great advertisement for Texas - LOL.

But I enjoyed the movie - if it were nominated I'd probably rank it at least 3rd. Moreover, one could definitely make the case for Simon Rex being nominated for best actor.

These awards, to be fair, are so tough too because how do you compare a film with the subject matter of a Red Rocket or Titane with the subject matter of a CODA or Drive My Car? Some movies have likeable characters and families like CODA and others are complete and utter trainwrecks like Red Rocket.

I just hate it when they nominate crap like Dune where the best character in the film is the giant worm and you want it to eat the writer.

Edits: 03/24/22

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  • RE: Maybe Academy Awards should be cancelled some years - RGA 07:36:04 03/24/22 (0)


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