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RE: I thought it was clever ...............

"And I believe that if you were alive at the time of the movie and paying attention to the politics of that time, there were probably a lot more nuances than you and I caught...."

Absolutely. I think the films you grow up with have far more impact fo you than future generations will view them.

When I was a kid and saw Dawn of the Dead - it was the goriest film made and well-reviewed - and I still enjoy it.

But if you show this to a Walking Dead fan who is 25 - they'll laugh at Dawn of the Dead. Sure some will look to the ideas/themes but it just doesn't hold up with modern eyes.

Don't even start on audio - the prices just keep going up and up. More than my salary - I've been on a 2 year wage freeze - a pandemic - but without a cost of living increase you effectively get a pay cut.

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  • RE: I thought it was clever ............... - RGA 01:37:14 03/31/22 (0)


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